11 Reasons That Speak For Oats – And A Breakfast Recipe

Daily consumption of oats reduces the cholesterol level, regulates the digestive functions and provides valuable fiber.

11 reasons in favor of oats - and a breakfast recipe

We have a reputation for being “boring” with oatmeal. At best, it is believed, they can be used as a decoration on the grain bun to make it look healthier. What are the reasons for oats ?

But oatmeal can do more than that and is not boring at all! Read 11 reasons why you should eat more oatmeal than what is stuck on the grain bun!

We also have a recipe for breakfast for you.


Fuel for your muscle motor

Oats are a valuable source of carbohydrates – and the most important fuel for our muscle engine is and will remain carbohydrates.

The carbohydrates with which our organism can do something in the long term are of course not those from sugar, but those that are found in cereal products.

In the morning “the tank is empty” and it is important to fill it up again before you set off on the “autobahn” of everyday life with the muscle motor. Therefore you will find our breakfast recipe with oats at the end of the article.

Fills you up against snacks

The carbohydrates from oatmeal also keep you full for a long time and thus prevent us from snacking and nibbling unnecessarily between meals and thus our diet success is in the stars.


Oatmeal makes you happy!

In addition , the body can produce the happiness hormone serotonin from complex carbohydrates, including oatmeal – especially when dieting, the mood slips easily because malnutrition also messes up our (happiness) hormone balance.

Vegetable source of protein

About 15% protein is in oats, which is not that little! Protein is one of the three “macronutrients” (carbohydrates, protein, fat) that must be included in our daily food so that the body is optimally supplied.

Protein is important for maintaining muscle mass – and after all, it should burn all the energy from the food (and love handles)!

Vegetable protein is of higher quality for your body than animal protein. With oats you have a high-quality vegetable protein source in your cereal bowl!


Healthy fiber

Oatmeal is also high in fiber. In order to stay full for a long time after a meal, the fiber content has to be high.

The blood sugar level rises only slowly, little insulin is released – the drop in the blood sugar level after digestion is flat and therefore gentle and gentle on the organism. Fiber is the indigestible part of our food.

They not only ensure a favorable course in blood sugar levels, but also ensure healthy digestion and, as a result, good stool volume. Also in the prevention of colon cancer dietary fiber should be helpful.


Oats against stress

Oatmeal contains a lot of magnesium. Those who choose oatmeal instead of bread protect themselves effectively against the negative effects of stress due to the increased magnesium content! Magnesium is also important for the metabolism, the development of protein (muscles!) And bone strength.

Oats lower cholesterol

The dietary fiber contained in oatmeal “scrub” the cholesterol in the digestive tract (from a high-cholesterol dinner, for example) from the villi and ensures that too much cholesterol cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream.

The beta-glucan contained in oats can also lower cholesterol levels.

Oats are rich in iron

Iron is important for your body, among other things it needs it to make red blood cells. Women in particular often do not get enough iron in their diet.

Oats contain 4.7 mg of iron per 100 g, which is not bad! Iron is best absorbed from oats when you combine it with vitamin C, for example when you eat fruit with it.


Calcium from oats for the bones

Calcium is not only found in milk ! There are many herbal products that contain calcium, oats are one of them. Calcium in your diet is important for strong bones and to protect against osteoporosis.

This mineral also helps blood clot and participates in muscle contraction as well as nerve impulses. Caution: Your body can then only build calcium into the bones in conjunction with vitamin D3.

Your body produces vitamin D3 all by itself under UV radiation – so go into the sun after your oat meal!

Potassium for the muscles and heart

Potassium is important for the electrolyte / water balance, regulates blood pressure and thus the entire cardiovascular system and is involved in muscle and nerve functions. And there’s a lot of that in oats!

Oats are good for your nerves!

Oats contain a lot of vitamin B1, which is also called thiamine. Vitamin B1 is also known as the “nerve vitamin”, it accelerates the transmission of stimuli between the nerve cells and also preserves the nerve and heart muscle tissue.

Vitamin B1 is also the “energy supply vitamin”, without which no carbohydrates and fats can be metabolized!

Breakfast recipe


Convinced? Would you like to eat oats from now on? This works best for breakfast, which is why we have a breakfast recipe for you:

  • ½ cup of oatmeal
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 spoon of honey
  • A handful of nuts
  • 1 fruit of your choice

Convince yourself that the British are right when they eat their “porridge” every day! Put oatmeal and milk in a saucepan and boil both together. Warning: stir well! Alternatively, it works “accident-free” in the microwave.

Depending on your personal preference, you can increase the amount of liquid if you like it a little more liquid. While your porridge is simmering gently, prepare the fruit and cut it into small pieces.

Finally, stir the honey into the bush and fold in the fruit. Finished! And so delicious!

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