3 Yoga Exercises Against Tense Neck

Certain stretches that we perform in yoga can help to reduce stiffness and tension in the neck area. They also strengthen our muscles to prevent injuries

3 yoga exercises for tense neck

Our yoga exercises for tense necks  are a series of postures through which this part of the body is stretched and relaxed.

While there are many factors that can cause neck pain, generally speaking, stretching will help you get relief faster.

At the same time, the positions also work to improve bad posture, which is sometimes responsible for pain.

They also stimulate blood circulation and increase the supply of oxygen to the muscles so that they do not become tense due to stress or overuse.

Do you suffer from neck pain? Do you feel any lumps at this point? Then don’t always take painkillers or muscle relaxants straight away.

In the following article, we will introduce you to 3 yoga exercises for tense necks that you could also try out.

Why do yoga exercises work against tense necks?

With a few simple yoga exercises for tight necks, you can reduce those cramps or tension that can be so debilitating at times.

Perhaps not all have reaped the benefits of this discipline, but it is a type of rehabilitation that can be very beneficial for both the body and the mind.

Through the movements you can gain energy and flexibility. Yoga also promotes weight loss and  improves blood circulation so that all body functions run optimally.

As for the neck zone, yoga can be an effective therapy against the pain and tension that is triggered by everyday stress and work.

Because it uses techniques such as deep breathing and emotional stability,  yoga is ideal for minimizing any tension in this zone.

Yoga exercises against tense necks

You don’t have to be an expert to do the yoga exercises against tense necks.

Of course, it takes a bit of concentration and physical endurance, but these are  simple positions that allow you to easily train flexibility and muscle strength.

1. Yoga position “cat”

The cat, also called  Marjaryasana , is one of the asanas (yoga postures ) that can bring relief to a tense or stiff neck.

It is also great for strengthening and relaxing the muscles in the lumbar region. It also promotes emotional balance as it reduces anxiety and stress.


  • First, get on all fours, supporting yourself with your hands and knees. Also, make sure that your knees are just below your hips and your wrists are below your shoulders.
  • In the first part of the exercise, the spine is in a neutral position. You keep your back straight and pull in your stomach.
  • As you inhale, arch your back downward. Your stomach relaxes, you lift your head and your tailbone also rises towards the ceiling.
  • As you exhale, you then round your spine upwards and lower your chin towards your chest.
  • Do these movements slowly and steadily and repeat the exercise at least ten times.

2. Yoga position: “cow face”

Also known as  Gomukhasana, it is an exercise that both relieves neck pain and strengthens the upper half of the body. 

We recommend it to relax the muscles that have stiffened due to poor posture. By the way, you can see this exercise in our contribution picture.


  • First you should  sit in the  Dandasana position. That means: you are sitting on the floor, your legs are stretched out in front of you and your back is straight.
  • Then bend your left leg to move your heel towards your right hip.
  • Next, bend your right leg as well, place it over your left and move your heel towards your hip.
  • Now try to grab your hands behind your back and stretch your elbows in the opposite direction.
  • Take a deep breath and then hold your breath for a few seconds.
  • Now exhale slowly.
  • Repeat the same exercise, but this time cross your limbs the other way around.

    3. Rotated hero position

    Yoga exercises against tense necks

    This is one of the simplest yoga exercises for tense necks.

    It is called Bharadvajasana  or twisted hero position. Although it is simpler than the previous ones, it  is very effective in strengthening the neck region.


    • To do this, sit on the floor or on a chair.
    • Then place your right hand on your back and the left on your right knee.
    • Breathe deeply as you turn your body on your right side.
    • Then go back gently to the starting position and now do the exercise on the opposite side.

    Have you tried these yoga exercises for tense necks at home?

    You can of course wait until you feel pain, but it’s actually best to do it regularly as a preventative measure. 

    This can be in the morning or during a break from work. But be sure to take some time every day for fitness.

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