4 Natural Remedies For Pharyngitis

In the case of an inflammation of the throat caused by bacteria, the consumption of some natural remedies can be of great help to alleviate the symptoms and promote recovery.

4 natural remedies for sore throat

A sore throat is a common condition. Just as often, many people just wait for it to pass. You have a dry throat and find it difficult to swallow, yet you don’t do anything about it. In this case, all these are signs that you under a sore throat suffering.

Today we would like to explain basic things about this disease to you and introduce four natural remedies that you can use to improve your health.

Causes of sore throat

Woman has a cough and a sore throat

There are two main causes of inflammation in the throat: bacteria and viruses.

  • Viral : This is more common because it comes from typical flu and colds that are spread by transmitting viruses.
  • Bacterial : You will notice this in the inflammation and pain. In this group, the streptococcal angina stands out, which is spread by the streptococcus, a bacterium.

Symptoms of a sore throat

If you have bacterial inflammation, you will notice the following symptoms:

  • fever
  • Tonsillitis
  • Headache

With a viral disease, on the other hand, you will feel:

  • to cough
  • flu
  • stuffy nose
  • Sore throat

Tips to alleviate the discomfort

You have sore throat

To relieve the discomfort, you should follow these recommendations:

Drink more water than you normally would

You always need enough fluids. The water should be at room temperature so that you can take care of your throat and reduce the intensity of the pain a little.

A dry throat only makes things worse. This is why you usually feel more pain in the morning because your throat is dry at night. Also take lollipops, because they stimulate saliva production so that the throat area always remains moistened.

Do not smoke

Avoid cigarettes on sick days or you will only delay healing.

Cigarette smoke only creates more discomfort and aggravates the pain. It’s bad for your health anyway.

Have dinner two hours before bed

This will prevent the digestive juices from rising up the esophagus, causing a burning sensation and sore throat.

If you have dinner two hours before bedtime, the digestive process is already complete and you avoid the risk of worsening your condition.

Keep bed rest

Even with inflammation that you don’t think is important, the most healing thing is to rest. If you rest enough, you will have a clear head later to make decisions.

This will allow you to take better care of your throat and your whole body in the future. Bed rest is very important when you have inflammation.

Natural remedies for sore throat

Before we talk about antibiotics, it is important to understand that these agents only work on bacteria, not viruses. If your sore throat is viral, the doctor will rule out antibiotic treatment.

If the infection is bacterial, it is very possible that he will prescribe you an antibiotic. Most often, patients with streptococcal angina are affected, the symptoms of which appear as follows:

  • high fever
  • sudden sore throat
  • Sneeze
  • flu
  • to cough

Care should be taken not to take too many antibiotics, as this can lead to resistance.

4 natural remedies to relieve the discomfort

Woman with sore throat

1. Garlic tea

Garlic is a natural antibiotic that can be used efficiently for sore throats.


  • 3 or 4 cloves of garlic
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  1. First grind the garlic cloves and then heat the water.
  2. When the water reaches its boiling point, add the garlic and let it boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Then let the tea steep for a while. Then strain it and drink the brew.

2. Echinacea tea

The active ingredients of this plant stimulate the body’s defenses. They are also used for diseases of the respiratory tract, such as the flu or cold.

This natural remedy activates your immune system when you feel tired and exhausted. This allows your own body to defend itself against the viruses or bacteria. You should drink the infusion in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before bed.


  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 2 teaspoons of echinacea flowers (10 g)
  • Honey to sweeten (of your choice)


  • First, put the water and the flowers in a saucepan.
  • Then let the infusion simmer over a medium flame for seven minutes and then take it off the stove.
  • Now it has to steep for another seven minutes before you strain it and then serve it.

    3. Ginger tea

    Ginger is a root that fights many diseases. When infected, it serves as an antibiotic against bacteria and is also effective against viruses. The fresh root should be used for maximum healing effects .


    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
    • 1 spoonful of grated ginger (15 g)


    • Heat the water first and add the ginger when it boils.
    • Let it cook for five minutes and then take the pot off the stove.
    • Wait a while for the tea to steep and then drink it.

    4. Onion tea

    The onion is a loyal ally against sore throats. That’s because it’s high in vitamin C, quercetin, and isothiocyanates.

    These substances act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components that help open the airways.


    • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
    • 1 onion


    • First wash the onion and then cut it à la julienne.
    • Then put them in a saucepan with the water and boil it.
    • Take it off the stove and then let it steep for another 7 minutes. Drink it afterwards.

    If you do not get any improvement with these natural remedies, then you should consult a doctor. He will then prescribe the appropriate medication for your sore throat.

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