5 Digestive Disorders That Cause Weight Gain

Did you know that constipation is one of many digestive disorders that cause weight gain?

5 digestive disorders that cause weight gain

Obesity often arises when fats and toxins accumulate in the body in large quantities. This increases body weight to an unhealthy level. However, possible reasons can also lie in these 5 digestive disorders.

The most important reason for being overweight is too much calorie intake from food. However, other reasons can also be lack of exercise, hormone changes or metabolic problems. 

Our digestion ensures that fats are broken down and nutrients are absorbed. However, when this process doesn’t work properly, discomfort can arise.

For this reason, you should consider indigestion if you can rule out diet as the reason for the heavy weight.

At this point we would like to introduce the 5 most important faults. This gives you the opportunity to identify them and then take the right action.

Find out which ones are!


Gastroesophageal reflux

5 digestive disorders that cause weight gain - gastroesophageal reflux

The backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus can cause an uncomfortable burning sensation in the chest. The stomach sphincter may be weakened. As a result, acid from the stomach travels back up the esophagus.

Certain foods can relieve symptoms for a short time. Others aggravate the problem. This is also the connection to obesity: some foods even trigger anxiety.

Small portions are usually not dangerous. However, once the food has been digested, symptoms return, and so does the need to eat.


  • Use natural teas and low-calorie home remedies to control reflux.
  • Avoid greasy or irritating foods. These make the problem even worse.

2. stomach ulcers

Stomach ulcers are the most common result of excessive acid production. They can be caused by injuries in the stomach wall or in the small intestine.

They can also make people anxious about food and gain weight. There is inflammation in the abdomen and persistent nausea.

These symptoms usually go away after eating certain foods. As a result, patients consume more calories than they need. If the disorder is not resolved quickly, it will lead to significant weight gain.


  • Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, and antibiotics if you have a stomach ulcer.
  • Eliminate dairy, spicy, or irritating foods from your diet.
  • Take homemade remedies with basic properties. For example baking soda or aloe vera.
  • Drink plenty of water and teas that aid digestion.

3. Constipation

5 Digestive Disorders That Cause Weight Gain - Constipation

Constipation affects weight gain the most. This is because waste is stored in the intestines. This affects the metabolism and makes it difficult to convert nutrients into energy.

When toxins are left in the intestines, it can cause inflammation in the abdomen and a feeling of heaviness. Therefore, trying to lose weight may appear to be of no use.

However, the body does not take in more calories. However, the accumulated residues make it difficult to see results. 


  • Increase your fiber intake. Options for this are fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
  • Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.
  • Exercise regularly, at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Use natural laxatives, such as teas or liquids.

4. Changes in the bacterial flora

Changes in the bacterial flora of the intestine can influence weight gain. They affect the metabolism. At the same time, they worsen the absorption and use of nutrients from food.

The imbalance occurs either when microorganisms grow excessively or when their number in the intestine decreases.

The consequence of this is that problems such as constipation arise. It also influences eating habits, which can increase the storage of fats.


  • Avoid foods that alter the pH of the intestines (fats, refined flour, sugar, etc.).
  • Increase your consumption of probiotic foods like plain yogurt or fermented cabbage.
  • Drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily

5. Irritable bowel syndrome

Woman suffers from indigestion

Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition that has increased in recent years. This can be caused by poor diet. It is accompanied by a variety of digestive problems, including inflammation and changes in the bacterial flora.

Constipation, stomach gas and difficulty digesting certain foods can result.

If symptoms are ignored and not treated, patients may  experience weight gain and a persistent feeling of illness.

Recommendations for digestive disorders

  • See a doctor if you suspect you have any of these diseases.
  • Add probiotic foods and those with digestive enzymes to your diet.
  • Avoid flammable foods and drinks as much as possible.

Do you recognize yourself in any of these diseases? Do you have symptoms that indicate digestive problems? Do you think you can’t lose weight because of digestive disorders? Follow the recommendations above and see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

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