5 Foods That Children Should Not Eat For Breakfast

Many people eat dairy products for breakfast, but it would be better to take them half an hour afterwards, especially for children.

5 foods kids shouldn't eat for breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is essential to start the day healthy in order to be productive. Keep in mind that there are some foods that you and your children  shouldn’t eat for breakfast .

In this article, we will highlight several  foods that children should not eat for breakfastYou’ll be surprised.

1. Fresh juices not for breakfast

Fresh juices not for breakfast

If you drink too much of it, fruit juices can irritate the stomach lining. They can also lead to excessive production of hydrochloric acid.

This type of drink also contains psoralens and furanocoumarins, which make your  skin more sensitive to the sun’s rays.

The best alternative is to have a good cup of tea.

2. Do not have sugary corn flakes for breakfast

Sweetened cornflakes are popular with young and old, but they are unhealthy! They contain  way too much sugar and at least 363 calories per 100 g. Hence, it is better to look for alternatives.

Choose natural corn flakes with fiber! This will keep you full longer and at the same time promote your digestion.

3. Fresh fruits and vegetables not for breakfast

Although fresh fruits and vegetables are very healthy, it is  better to avoid them at breakfast.

Don’t forget that the acid it contains can make you feel uncomfortable on an empty stomach. For example, tomatoes contain pactin and tannic acid, which can cause stomach ulcers.

Vegetable soup is an excellent alternative, although this is uncommon in the morning! This can help prevent gas and heartburn.

4. Dairy products not for breakfast

Dairy products not for breakfast

A great many consume dairy products for breakfast, but it is not necessarily the best time to do so.

  • Lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus and Bifidus bacteria) encounter an acidic environment in an empty stomach; they die before they reach the intestine.
  • Therefore, it is best to  consume these products half an hour after breakfast.

A perfect alternative to breakfast is blueberry juice. This contains the daily recommended amount of vitamins C, A, E and K. It also contains around a third of the daily requirement of vitamins of the B group and also provides nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus and calcium.

5. Don’t eat high-carbohydrate products for breakfast

Foods that are high in easily digestible carbohydrates, such as white bread,  raise blood sugar levels. Because of this, your pancreas works harder and produces more insulin. This means that more fat is stored.

Baked goods produce more acid and can also lead to gas formation!

Other Recommendations

Foods that shouldn't be eaten for breakfast

Make sure your children have a balanced breakfast that will keep them full and productive for a long time. The snack is also very important and should be healthy!

More and more schools are having nutritionists explain to their students what a healthy diet should look like. It is important to have a varied, balanced diet that contains all the important nutrients.

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