5 Signs Of Diseases That Can Be Read In The Eyes

The eyes can not only reveal tiredness and related complaints. Other disorders, such as the liver or gallbladder, can also be seen in the eyes. 

5 signs of disease that can be seen in the eyes

The eyes are probably the most important sense organ in humans, which is fundamental for all activities in everyday life. But in addition, various signs of diseases  can also  be read from the eyes.

Even blind people can learn to find their way around in life and to lead a normal everyday life, but sighted people can usually hardly imagine an existence without this sense organ.

Recognize signs of illness in the eyes

Care of the eyes is therefore fundamental in  order to preserve the ability to see for as long as possible,  even if this is not an easy undertaking in the technological world with numerous display devices (computers, mobile phones, televisions, etc.).

  • Screen devices put a lot of strain on the eyes, which over time leads to discomfort.

But today we are concerned with various  signs of diseases that  can be read in the eyes. This information is also important in order to quickly identify certain complaints and initiate appropriate treatment.

By observing various changes,  disorders of other organs can be discovered. Consider these  signs of illness to  maintain your health!

1. Irregular gaze as a sign of illness

This sign shows tiredness, which is usually caused by exposure to a screen for too long (cell phone, computer …).

However, irregular vision can also be a warning sign of other disorders, some of which are worrying:

  • If your eyesight is normal, but your eyesight suddenly becomes cloudy and leads to partial loss of vision,  this could be a sign of an eye infection.
  • In more severe cases, complete vision loss can occur for a few minutes, which can indicate cerebrovascular disorders, for example.

2. Yellow colored eyes as a sign of illness

Yellow colored eyes as a sign of illness

A yellowish colored iris is quite unusual (the dominant color is brown), but it can occur.

However, if the eyeball is yellowish in color, it  is a sign of disease. Mostly behind this is a disease of the liver, gallbladder or bile ducts. In most cases, it is caused by elevated bilirubin, a bile pigment that is produced in the liver.

Yellowish colored eyes are usually a sign of jaundice (jaundice).

3. Foggy vision

It is also common for a kind of “cloud” to obscure vision and impair vision.

It feels like having something in your eye that is blocking your view.

  • This can be a sign of the onset of a cataract.
  • This is often the case, especially in  older patients.
  • But this eye disease can also occur at a young age.

4. Drooping eyelids

drooping eyelids as a sign of disease

With increasing age  , the formation of wrinkles and the loss of nutrients in the skin are quite normal;  this aging phenomenon is particularly noticeable on the face.

A lack of nutrients can also lead to droopy eyelids, but it could also be a sign of illness.

In ophthalmology, drooping one or both eyelids is called ptosis, a disease that can occur at any age.

Other influencing factors can also lead to this, for example a weakened immune system or a tumor in the neighboring brain region.

5. Light phenomena or “asterisks”

If you move abruptly (when you get up quickly) you can sometimes see “asterisks”. The sudden change in situation can also lead to dizziness or disorientation.

Rubbing the eyes or irritating the retina can also cause flashes of light. However, light phenomena can also occur in more serious illnesses such as glaucoma or nearsightedness. 

Most of the time, the “Sternechen” arise suddenly and unpredictably. This can be a sign that the retina is loosening. In this case, you should definitely visit an ophthalmologist who can make a diagnosis and initiate the right treatment!

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