7 Important Dietary Supplements

Not all nutrients can be obtained through a balanced diet, so dietary supplements can be very useful.

7 essential nutritional supplements

Today we introduce you to  important dietary supplements that  are very helpful in preventing various ailments.

There are numerous products on the market, which is why it is important to be familiar with and decide which dietary supplements make sense and which are superfluous. 

Important dietary supplements

Certain dietary supplements can prevent health problems and, in some cases, prevent the use of medicines.

However, constant intake of vitamin preparations without a doctor’s prescription is not recommended. This could even be harmful to your health!

However, there are dietary supplements that are safe to take that are of great benefit.

We refer to these as important food supplements because they have a positive effect on the organism and provide it with nutrients that promote health.

Essential nutritional supplements for good health

This article will tell you which supplements you can take without any risk.

1. Magnesium

Magnesium is essential for the organism. There are many foods with magnesium, but the poor quality of the earth means that many of them have a smaller and smaller proportion.

For this reason, we recommend that you take magnesium as a dietary supplement to promote your health.

This mineral

  • strengthens muscles and bones,
  • regulates the bowel function,
  • keeps the nervous system in balance,
  • relaxes the blood vessels and
  • balances the blood sugar level.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is known to strengthen the immune system. You can take it with certain foods or as a supplement.

  • The recommended daily amount of vitamin C is 300 mg.
  • Since this strengthens the immune system, you can protect yourself from various diseases.
  • Vitamin C has a strong antioxidant effect and therefore also protects the skin, joints and bones.
  • This can also prevent depression and eye diseases.

3. Spirulina

The spirulina alga contains numerous very important nutrients: It is rich in proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber.

Food supplements with spirulina are characterized by the following advantages:

  • They provide energy and vitality,
  • help with healthy weight loss,
  • prevent hair loss,
  • fight insomnia,
  • reduce cholesterol and
  • support and maintain the ability to see.

4. Sea water

Sea water is available in well-stocked grocery stores or health food stores, which provides important minerals and is therefore highly recommended to prevent deficiency symptoms. 

You can drink sea water straight away, mix it with drinking water, or use it in cooking instead of salt. You can use it to regulate blood pressure and also improve kidney and intestinal functions.

5. Brewer’s yeast

With brewer’s yeast you can supply your body with important vitamins and minerals that are important for the nervous system  and can therefore help with nervousness, anxiety or depression.

Brewer’s yeast is also important for beautiful hair, skin and nails! 

You can mix them with some juice, milk, or yogurt at breakfast, or take them in more concentrated capsules.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric is a very versatile spice that should not be missing in any kitchen. As a dietary supplement, the orange powder has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and detoxifying effects.

In addition, turmeric supports liver functions. This plant is often combined with other active ingredients to improve its effectiveness.

7. Probiotics

Probiotics are important food supplements because they can improve the intestinal flora. This is not only very important for a well-functioning intestine, general health also depends on it!

The intestine is responsible for absorbing the necessary nutrients  and is also fundamental for the immune system.

Probiotics are important for healthy and sick people and can quickly achieve positive results.

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