7 Natural Skin Peelings Against Blackheads

Before you use these peeling treatments, you should test the tolerance on a small area of ​​skin in order to avoid undesirable reactions. 

7 natural skin peelings against blackheads

Blackheads look ugly, but it’s not always easy to definitely remove them. Today we introduce you to  natural skin peelings, which are very helpful in improving the complexion  and refining the pores.

Discover these natural treatments to remove blackheads and deeply cleanse your skin. It will shine afterwards and be wonderfully supple.

What are blackheads?

Blackheads occur when  the skin pores become clogged due to cell oxidation. The combination of sebum and melanin, especially in the area of ​​the nose and chin, block dilated pores and look unsightly.
Melanin pigments that migrate through the skin cells accumulate at the opening and lead to the unsightly black color.  Many different causes can lead to blackheads.
Some of them are:
  • environmental pollution
  • dust
  • Makeup and other cosmetics
  • hormonal causes
  • excessive sebum production
  • inadequate skin cleansing
  • Diet with an excess of harmful fats

7 natural skin scrubs to make yourself

We will then show you how you can easily make natural  skin peelings yourself  to thoroughly cleanse your  skin and enable cell respiration. 

1. Sea salt for natural skin peelings

Sea salt for natural skin peelings

Sea salt is easily available, inexpensive and very effective. This allows the skin to be thoroughly cleaned, the salt also  provides minerals and has antiseptic properties. 

  • The peeling with sea salt is perfect  for oily and combination skin. We also recommend this treatment for acne. However, if you have sensitive, dry, or mature skin, you should avoid it.

2. Sugar

Sugar is gentler than sea salt and therefore  suitable for all skin types. If you have sensitive skin, we recommend mixing the sugar with a little oil (coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil …).

  • In combination with oil, you can remove blackheads and deeply nourish the skin at the same time.
  • The oil penetrates better when the pores are open and so you can prevent the skin from having an oily sheen.

3. Coffee grounds for natural skin peelings

Coffee for natural skin peelings

Do you drink coffee every morning to wake up? You can use the coffee grounds instead of just discarding them. There are many options: you can use the coffee grounds as fertilizer for your plants or you can use it to clean a clogged pipe.

Today, however, we recommend that you use the coffee grounds for a skin peeling against blackheads.

  • The ground coffee is perfect for deeply cleansing the skin,  but does not irritate it. 
  • Coffee is also excellent for tired or swollen skin!

4. Soda

Baking soda also has many uses, so most people have this product at home. Soda has an alkaline effect and helps as a peeling against impurities and blackheads.

  • However, don’t use baking soda more than once a week.
  • You can addfew drops of apple cider vinegar to balance the pH of the skin and benefit more intensely from this peeling. 

5. Oats

Skin scrubs with oats

Oats are also a great natural remedy for refining your skin and removing blackheads. This cereal is ideal for sensitive skin.

  • Oats contain mucilage,  which builds up a moisturizing protective layer that  protects against external harmful factors.
  • The texture of the oats is gentle, so there is no risk of irritation or reddening of the skin.
  • You can either buy oatmeal or grind your own oatmeal and then mix it with water to create an exfoliant. You can use this mixture to thoroughly cleanse the skin. Let it act as a mask for 15 minutes to nourish and nourish the skin at the same time.

6. Tomato

Tomato is a must on this list of skin scrubs. It does not work through its texture, but through the enzymes it contains, which enable the skin to be cleaned quickly and very effectively.

You can make a very gentle enzymatic peel with tomatoes  You can simply rub a tomato slice into your skin and wait a few minutes for the oozing tomato juice to dry on your skin. Then wash with plenty of water.

7. Pineapple for natural skin scrubs

Skin peelings with pineapple

The pineapple is also one of the enzymatic skin peelings. Like the tomato, it is used without any further processing. Simply rub a piece of pineapple on the skin, wait 5 minutes and then rinse off with plenty of water.

This will make your skin look wonderfully soft and radiant. Don’t worry if the pineapple causes a slight itch. After washing your face, it will stop immediately. You can get great results with pineapple!

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