8 Foods That Donate Collagen To Your Skin!

If you want beautiful skin without wrinkles, you should make sure that you consume all the necessary nutrients. One of these nutrients is collagen.

8 foods that will donate collagen to your skin!

Cosmetic products alone are not enough to keep the complexion flawless. You should also eat a balanced diet and be sure to include foods in your diet that donate collagen to  the skin .

In this article, we want to introduce you to 8 foods that contain collagen or stimulate collagen production. With it you can not only keep your skin but also your joints young! Therefore, incorporate these collagen donating  foods  into your diet regularly!

Young skin thanks to foods that donate collagen

What is collagen

Collagen is the most important protein in the body. Collagen fibers are very flexible and resilient. They are found in the skin, bones, tendons, and joints.

The body naturally produces collagen. However, over time this production decreases. Then wrinkles become more visible, the joints more vulnerable, the bones weaker, etc.

Therefore, a balanced diet with foods that donate collagen or promote collagen production is very important.

Why is collagen good for the skin?

Collagen is the main component of the skin. It is the component that ensures that your skin is elastic and firm. It is therefore very important that your body absorbs enough collagen through food.

  • In younger people, collagen is constantly being produced and thus ensures that the skin looks young and firm.
  • However, once the age of 30 is exceeded, wrinkles and sagging skin tend to be more common.

8 foods that donate collagen

The foods named here are known for their high collagen content or for the fact that they promote production.

1. Garlic

Garlic donates collagen

There are many reasons why garlic should be part of your diet. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and contains high levels of sulfur compounds that have a detoxifying effect and stimulate collagen production.

So that garlic can fully develop its effect, it should be consumed raw or in capsules.

2 onions

Foods that donate collagen: onions

Onions are very similar to garlic and also contain sulfur compounds.

When taken, they increase collagen production and support blood circulation. They also stimulate the removal of harmful substances from the body.

3. Oily fish

Foods that donate collagen: Oily fish

Oily fish, while not very high in collagen, is rich in lysine. This amino acid is important in the production of collagen.

Oily fish also contain a high proportion of essential fatty acids, which provide your skin with important nutrients.

  • However, one should keep in mind that large oily fish (salmon, swordfish, tuna) can also contain high levels of heavy metals.
  • We therefore recommend that you use smaller fish. These are, for example, sardines, mackerel or anchovies.

4. Meat

Foods that donate collagen: meat

Collagen ensures that meat is firm to the bite. The tendons formed from it make it difficult to chew.

We can especially recommend beef, chicken or turkey. Some parts of the animals, such as the feet, contain particularly high amounts of collagen.

5. Bone broth

Foods that donate collagen: bone broth

A particularly healthy dish, which is also rich in collagen, is bone broth.

  • The recipe for bone broth is pretty old and very simple. You just have to simmer meat (including bones) together with some vegetables for several hours on a low level.

This dish has been made for centuries. The slow cooking draws the nutrients away from the bones and releases them into the broth.

6. Berries

Foods that donate collagen: berries

Berries such as blackberries, blueberries and currants, as well as similar fruits such as strawberries, contain high levels of lycopene.

This antioxidant increases the secretion of collagen and is also found in red vegetables.

7. Dairy products

Foods that donate collagen: Dairy products

Milk and milk products contain a lot of proline and lysine. These amino acids boost the production of collagen.

However, in order to optimize the absorption of nutrients, these foods should not be eaten with main meals.

8. Tea

Tea donates collagen

Tea is an ancient drink that has many benefits. If you are looking for firm skin, the high proportion of catechins is particularly interesting.

  • They are powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals and prevent collagen levels from falling with age.

You should drink black, red, green or white tea for this purpose.

You too can benefit from all these foods that donate collagen and keep you young!

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