8 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before You Start A New Relationship

Before you start a new relationship, you should consider whether you are actually ready or whether it would be better after all to give you time to think.

8 questions to ask yourself before starting a new relationship

A new relationship  is a great challenge, especially if you have failed in it several times.

Before embarking on a new relationship , you should honestly answer a number of questions about previous friendships.

Ask yourself these 8 questions to make sure your new relationship will be happier, healthier and not fall apart right away.

1. Am I actually ready to start a new relationship?

A partnership takes time and energy to function. Are you absolutely sure that there is space and time in your life for a new relationship?

When you have a new job, your goal may be to achieve a long-awaited dream and all endeavors and efforts are going in that direction.

For example, if a family emergency arises, you may need all of your time and energy to deal with the situation.

In this case, it is probably not the right time to start a new relationship.

Wait for the storms in your life to subside before inviting someone to sail your waters.

2. Have I really got over the last relationship?

Thoughtful woman relationship

If the answer to this second question is “no”, you are not ready for a new relationship.

You can’t make the mistake of trying to forget a failed relationship with a new one. 

With this, you will only hurt the self-esteem and feelings of your new life partner. Nobody deserves to play second fiddle.

To overcome a failed relationship, you should work on yourself.

Find the reasons for failure. Discover yourself and analyze those aspects of your life that might need improvement before embarking on a new adventure.

3. What worked and what didn’t work in my relationships?

There are many reasons why a relationship doesn’t work. Make a list of the things that went wrong, such as: B. Distance, trust or honesty.

In this way you can find solutions to these problems in an objective way. The positive aspects of a relationship are just as important.

If you find it difficult to recognize positive aspects of past relationships, look at partnerships in your environment and look for their positive sides.

After that, you will discover things that you expect in a new relationship.

4. What kind of relationship am I looking for?

In other words, how serious do you want your new relationship to be? This is important for you and your new partner.

Do you just want a short adventure or a committed relationship? This should be clear to you so that you can also tell your new partner in advance.

You will see right away whether you both have the same intentions.

5. Does my partner have the same outlook on life as me?

Conversation in partnership relationship

Having the same hobbies doesn’t mean your partner is the perfect person for you. It’s important to dig deeper.

Does this person have the same outlook and opinion as you? It’s not just about religion or politics. It’s about how this person interacts with other people and those around them.

For example, if you intend to have family, you should know what your partner thinks about it and what values ​​they want to convey to the children in the future.

6. What do I expect from my partner?

Maybe you are looking for support, maybe you want to escape loneliness or you miss true love.

Are you looking for a true friend or do you just want fun moments?

You should be clear about this before entering into a new relationship.

This is the only way you can be sure that your new life partner can and wants to offer you the things you want.

7. Do I love myself?

Depressed teenagers relationship

Healthy self-love comes first, because this is the only way to love others. If this is not the case, serious problems can arise.

If you think you are not worth loving , the partnership is unlikely to go well. This disregard is not only very painful, but also frustrating for the other person.

8. Do I really want to start a new relationship?

Do you think you have had too many relationships? Do you think you’d be better off alone for a while at first?

Follow your instinct, your gut feeling.

Use these questions as a guide to discover if you are really ready for a new bond. If so, don’t wait any longer.

But don’t force your heart when you need time to heal wounds, think, and discover yourself.

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