9 Foods That Are Responsible For Bad Body Odors

Good hygiene is not always sufficient to eliminate all body odors. Did you know that some foods can also be responsible for bad smells?

9 foods responsible for bad body odors

Bad body odors are caused by the combination of sweat and bacteria. This process is usually determined by hormonal and metabolic factors, but certain diseases and drugs can also be responsible.

Usually you first think of excessive sweating, but bacteria, dirt and the active ingredients of various foods also lead to bad body odors.

Certain foods cause the organism to become over-acidic. An  unbalanced pH value, in turn, makes it more difficult to remove pollutants that can lead to bad smells.

In addition, some foods contain strong active ingredients that are excreted in sweat or can be felt through the breath.

Then let’s name some of the foods that can cause bad body odor .

1. Garlic creates body odors


Some give up garlic because of its strong taste that lingers in the mouth for a few hours.

In addition  , the volatile sulfur compounds affect the bad odor when sweating.  These compounds are absorbed by the blood and lungs after digestion, so the breath and skin smell of them.

2. White sugar

Sweets and other foods fortified with refined sugar over-acidify the body, change the temperature and also lead to unpleasant odors.

The bacteria feed on this sweetener, the excessive reproduction accelerates the fermentation process  and this also creates body odors.

3. Spices cause body odors


Spices such as curry and caraway can also lead to halitosis and bad odor in the skin,  as sulphurous gases are produced during digestion and are excreted through the pores.

The majority is assimilated correctly, but remnants remain in the bloodstream and are later discharged.

4. Trans fats

Trans fats are commonly used in fast food, fried foods, industrial pastries, and other foods. These not only lead to obesity, but also to bad body odors.

These fats are said to make digestion difficult and have a negative effect on other foods that are processed in the intestines.

5. Sausages


Spreads, sausages, bacon and other sausage products also  lead to acidification of the stomach and increase gas formation.

These foods are slow to digest because they contain many chemicals and fat. This affects those metabolic functions that are responsible for the elimination of pollutants.

6. Red meat

The proteins in red meat are difficult to digest in the intestine and often stay there for several days,  so there is a risk of putrefaction and bad body odors.

People who eat little red meat, but usually exude less sweat and less odors than those who have meat on the menu every day.

Eating less red meat  can also reduce flatulence and gas and constipation. 

7. Asparagus creates body odors


While asparagus is very healthy, it can lead  to bad smelling and burning urine.

However, this only happens to some people, because the ability to produce and perceive smells varies depending on their genetic predisposition.

8. Alcoholic beverages

People who drink alcoholic beverages in excess excrete bad odors through their skin and breath. The organism regards alcohol as a poison, which is  why it is metabolized by the liver.

90% is converted into acetic acid, which is non-toxic and is excreted along with other liquids and salts.

The remainder remains in the blood and is drained through the lungs when you breathe and through the skin through sweat.

9. onion


Bacteria  break down amino acids with sulfur atoms that can be found in the onion and then produce bad-smelling volatile substances such as hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulfide.

These sulfur compounds are absorbed by the blood and enter  the mouth, stomach, intestines and liver. They also accumulate in the alveoli and create a strong odor when you exhale the air.

Despite good hygiene and health, different body odors can arise. If this is the case for you, you can try reducing these foods.

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