Benefits Of Oats For Treating Arthritis

You probably already know that oats can be used to lose weight and lower LDL cholesterol. 

Benefits of oat for treating arthritis

Nutrition experts consider it to be a super food that should not be missing from our diet and that offers numerous benefits for the whole family. What are the benefits of  the oat ?

You probably already know that oats can be used for weight loss and lowering LDL cholesterol.

Today we want to bring you the benefits  of oat for arthritis. This suffering makes everyday life difficult for many and can then be alleviated by regular consumption of oats. You can find out more about it here.

Benefits of Oats: Arthritis pain relief


Oats are one of the foods rich in vitamins and minerals that provide us with unique natural energy and nutrients. This is why this grain has been in great demand since ancient times.

Oats have a strong anti-inflammatory effect and are therefore also very suitable for the treatment of arthritis. It contains a lot of vitamin B6 and therefore has a relaxing effect and at the same time reduces pain and inflammation in the joints.

In addition, this grain promotes cartilage regeneration, mineralization and nutrient supply to the muscle tissue.

100 g of oats contain:

  • 11.72 g protein
  • 9.67 g of fiber
  • 55.70 mg of carbohydrates
  • 342 mg of phosphorus
  • 5.80 mg iron
  • 80 mg calcium
  • 355 mg of potassium
  • 7.70 mg iodine
  • 8.40 mg of sodium
  • 0.17 mg vitamin B2
  • 3.37 mg of vitamin B3
  • 0.9 grams of vitamin B5
  • 0.69 mg vitamin B6
  • 13 g of vitamin B7
  • 0.9 g of vitamin B9
  • 0.7 g vitamin B12
  • 30 mg of vitamin C.
  • 0.84 mg of vitamin E.

As can be seen on this list, oats contain high levels of the B group vitamins, which are very useful in treating bone disease and arthritis pain.

It is also interesting to know that oats have a detoxifying effect and help to expel harmful substances from the body and fluids from the joints via the urine. This can alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life.

The dietary fiber contained cleans the intestinal tract of pollutants and residues, consequently the organism is less prone to inflammation, water retention, etc. Therefore, oats are recommended for breakfast.

Benefits of Oats: Pain Relief 

Arthritis illustration

If you experience bloating or gas after taking oats, you should see a doctor as this could be a sign of intolerance or an allergy.

Even if this does not happen very often, various active ingredients in oats (gluten, proteins …) can be incompatible.

1. How can I take oats?


Use 100% natural oats, it’s  best to buy them in a health food store, because the supermarket goods usually leave a lot to be desired.

  • Oats should not be combined with cow’s milk, as this then promotes inflammation. As an alternative, we recommend water and almond milk.
  • The combination with apple or banae is excellent for breakfast. You can sweeten it with honey , it will taste great and it will help treat arthritis.

2. External use

Oat pouch


  • 100 g oat flour (available in health food stores)
  • 50 ml of water
  • 20 g honey


  • This is used to  prepare an envelope with lukewarm water. Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix together. The thick paste is then applied to the painful joint.
  • The water should be lukewarm to warm, but not too hot. Leave the poultice on for 20 minutes, then wash the paste off with cool water. A hot-cold treatment is very effective for the relief of inflammation and pain.
  • This topical treatment temporarily relieves the discomfort, but you should definitely consume oats daily. Your general health will thank you too!

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