Apples Enrich Your Menu!

Adding plenty of apples to your diet is so easy and incredibly healthy. There are around 30 vitamins in an apple! To list them all would be too much of a good thing, but the number alone certainly shows you how healthy an apple is!

Apples enrich your diet!

Our menu should contain far more fruit than is probably the case with you at the moment. Apples offer you a good opportunity to eat fruit more often because they are available in all seasons, easy to store and inexpensive. Find out how you can put more fruit on your menu with apples !

That’s why apples enrich your diet

Adding plenty of apples to your diet is so easy and incredibly healthy. There are around 30 vitamins in an apple! To list them all would be too much of a good thing, but the number alone certainly shows you how healthy an apple is!

The most important vitamins in it are: provitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, B6, lots of vitamin C, vitamin E and also niacin and folic acid.

Apples generally contain a lot of fiber. They are found in apples in the form of soluble and insoluble fiber. They contain even more fiber if you don’t peel them, but eat them with the peel (organic quality!). Soluble fiber is what you don’t see but which is still good for your gut and health.

As a juice, apples have no fiber – and even more calories than sweet lemonade! Therefore, always eat apples in their most natural form: as a whole fruit.

We have ideas for you on how to put apples on your diet in a healthy way:

Apple and celery salad with nuts

This salad is equally suitable for summer and winter, so you can use it to enrich your menu with apples all year round. You need:

  • 1 bunch of celery
  • 2-3 apples
  • 1 small onion
  • 50g walnuts
  • 1 tbsp raisins or sultanas
  • 4 tbsp nut oil or rapeseed oil
  • 3-4 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • Pepper salt

Pour boiling water over the dried fruits and soak them at least during the further preparation time of the salad or prepare this step a few hours beforehand.

Make a salad dressing out of vinegar, oil, pepper and salt and toast the coarsely chopped walnuts without fat in a pan.

First cut the celery stalks into slices and only then cut the apple with the skin into bite-sized pieces of similar size. Then mix the salad dressing into the apples so they don’t turn brown. Cut the onion into small cubes and then mix all the ingredients into a delicious salad.

Apple and cinnamon smoothie

This recipe is great for smoothie beginners and children. You need:

  • 1 apple
  • 1 pear
  • 1 handful of hazelnuts or hazelnut butter
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • cinnamon

The color of the apple is irrelevant, as is the type of pear.

If you don’t have whole hazelnuts, take ground nuts from your baking ingredient stash or use hazelnut butter, which you can get at the health food store. It is made from 100% hazelnuts.

Remove the core of the washed fruit and cut it into pieces that your blender or hand blender can create. Drizzle it with the lemon juice to prevent your smoothie from oxidizing unsavory brown while it is being prepared.

Because the fruit is not very juicy, you should add some water or (apple) juice. Process with the nuts into a wonderfully creamy smoothie and season with cinnamon.

Apple Crumble

The popular and delicious dessert is very easy to make – if not really healthy, because the fat and sugar content of the crust is quite high! For 4 servings you need:

  • 4 apples, for example Boskop
  • 100g butter
  • 100g sugar
  • 100g flour
  • 75g oatmeal
  • 1 pack of vanilla sugar
  • cinnamon

The apples are removed from the core and cut into small cubes. Since you use organic fruit, the valuable peel and its fiber stay on, right? Mix all the other ingredients together to form a crumbly batter. Grease a baking dish or four small ovenproof dishes and fill it with the apples. Then crumble the dough over the apples and put the whole thing in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 200 ° C.

Apple and cheese carpaccio

Carpaccio is raw meat cut into fine slices. The vegetarian variant is a delicious dessert that combines cheese and fruit in a very classic way. You need:

  • 10 thin slices of strong hard cheese (Emmentaler, mountain cheese, cave cheese, etc.)
  • 2 large apples
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 200ml apple juice
  • 50ml calvados
  • 50ml apple cider vinegar

Mix all the liquid ingredients together and bring them to the boil so that the alcohol evaporates and the honey dissolves.

Core the apples and grate them into fine slices on the vegetable slicer. Put the apple slices in the still hot marinade and let everything cool down well.

Then alternately place a cheese and apple slice on a plate and pour the rest of the marinade over it. Serve decorated with lemon balm or chopped nuts.

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