Interesting Facts About Pregnancy Dementia

“What did I want in the kitchen?” “Where are my keys?” “I can not remember anymore.” Such situations are quite normal during pregnancy and after delivery. In this case, one speaks of gestational dementia or, in the English-speaking world, of “pregnancy brain” or “momnesia”. 

Interesting facts about gestational dementia

Many women complain or worry during pregnancy because they are often forgetful. But  pregnancy dementia or breastfeeding dementia is quite normal. In the English-speaking world, one speaks of “Pregnancy brain” or “Momnesia”. However, it is not an actual dementia in which nerve cells die, but only a temporary condition.

Various studies, including research published in the journal Nature Neuroscience  , show that various changes take place in the brains of expectant mothers during pregnancy. 

These structural changes persist for the first two years after delivery. In today’s post we take a closer look at why many women are more forgetful than usual during this time.

Pregnancy dementia: what is it?

Many pregnant women are scattered and have memory problems during this time. You lose your cell phone, misplace your keys, forget to buy something at the grocery store or turn off the stove. They also find it more difficult to remember appointments. But this is quite normal, especially in the second and third stages of pregnancy.

But why is that? The terms gestational dementia or “momnesia” were not coined by science. But experts know that memory problems can occur because  the hormonal balance changes during pregnancy. In addition, there are often sleep problems and worries as to whether everything will go well and in addition, completely different topics suddenly become important and occupy the mind.

After the baby is born, mothers are usually exhausted, which could also contribute to small memory lapses.

Pregnancy dementia: fewer gray cells during pregnancy?

Pregnancy dementia: fewer gray cells during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, gray matter decreases in certain areas of the brain.

A study by the University of Deakin, Australia, published in the Medical Journal of Australia , shows that gray matter is reduced in certain areas during pregnancy. The researchers examined 20 studies and compared the cognitive functions of 709 pregnant women with 521 non-pregnant women.

The results show that cognitive functions and memory function worse in pregnant women compared to non-pregnant women. However, more research in this area is necessary in order to actually speak of gestational dementia.

Forgetfulness of the new mother

Forgetfulness of the new mother
The mother’s brain adapts to the new situation and needs of the baby.

More research is needed to find out more about gestational dementia. But a 2010 study suggests that hormonal changes in the expectant mother are responsible for the memory lapses.

These hormonal changes help the expectant mother to adapt to the new challenges and thereby enable the baby to stay healthy. The brain is supposed to eliminate weak neural connections in  order to focus on what really matters: the emotional connections and the response to the baby’s needs.

How does gestational dementia affect?

How does gestational dementia affect?
Forgetfulness during pregnancy has not been adequately researched, but many women suffer from it.

Although there is not enough research into gestational dementia,  many women suffer from it. Another study found that pregnant women have more difficulty performing certain tasks, in particular. Specifically, these are things for which spatial memory is necessary.

Forgetfulness is related to the expectant mother’s altered hormone levels, with prolactin and progesterone in particular being responsible for this. Problems related to spatial memory therefore often arise in everyday life. A few typical examples are:

  • The mother-to-be washes the laundry, but forgets to hang it up afterwards.
  • She opens the door and leaves the keys outside.
  • The pregnant woman goes shopping but can no longer remember what she wanted.
  • She forgets to eat in the oven or in the microwave.
  • The expectant mother wants to do something, but forgets it again before it happens.

What can you do about gestational dementia?

If you feel very forgetful during pregnancy, don’t worry! This happens to most women, but it is only a temporary condition. We have a few tips for you to fight against it:

  • Write down important dates  and don’t go to the grocery store without a shopping list!
  • Ask for support so that you don’t have to do everything on your own.
  • Take your time for relaxation! Your health and that of your child are now paramount. Get help and give yourself enough rest.
  • Give yourself time for yourself too: If you are already suffering from motherhood up to and including breastfeeding dementia, let your partner help you with baby care and also take time for yourself. You can now and then do things that are fun for you on your own.
  • Sport is also important!
  • You can entertain yourself with puzzles or memory games.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Your brain now needs a lot of nutrients to function properly.

Forgetfulness during pregnancy and breastfeeding is quite normal to a certain extent. You don’t have to worry about that, because everything will normalize again after the breastfeeding period. However, if you notice any unusual signs or if you feel extremely sad and listless, you should definitely seek medical examinations and advice. 

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