The Right Diet For Healthy Hair

Certain foods, such as nuts, are rich in zinc and therefore not only make an important contribution to your general health, but also ensure beautiful, healthy hair. 

The right diet for healthy hair

A balanced, varied diet is not only important for your health. Your external beauty can also benefit from it! Learn more about the right diet for healthy hair today 

You simply need to regularly incorporate various foods high in protein, B vitamins, and healthy fats into your eating plan.

First, learn more about the most important properties of hair. Then we will explain to you which foods should not be missing in the  diet for healthy hair  .

The anantomy of a hair

Hair anatomy

The majority of hair is made up of proteins called keratin. The hair structure is made up of the following components:

  • 80% keratin
  • 10-15% water
  • Pigments, minerals and lipids

The outer layer of hair is called the cuticle or cuticle. It protects the fiber layer and the medullary canal in the middle of the hair. The cuticle says a lot about hair health.

When it is healthy, its surface is smooth and the hair is shiny as it reflects the light. The cuticle is damaged by excessive heat treatments, hair coloring or other external and internal influences.

As a result, the hair looks dull and dull. The cuticle is partially broken down and no longer offers the inner layers sufficient protection.

Since the main component of hair is protein,  this substance should not be missing in the diet for healthy hair. Because only in this way can keratin be formed. Iron deficiency also has a negative impact on hair health. It leads to weakened hair and increased hair loss.

There are foods that will strengthen your hair and others that will harm it. For example, you should reduce your consumption of coffee, soft drinks, unhealthy fats and carbohydrates. 

In addition, you should avoid tobacco! You know that you will benefit many times over from this. Don’t forget that getting enough sleep is also essential.

Stress and nervousness have a variety of effects on health and also damage your head of hair. This leads to a narrowing of the blood vessels. Therefore, the scalp is also less supplied with blood.

Diet for Healthy Hair: 5 Recommended Foods

Diet for healthy hair: 5 foods

In a diet for healthy hair, you should include the following foods on a regular basis. You can use it to maintain your head of hair and prevent hair loss.

1. Salmon

Salmon is not only rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains vitamins of the B group and fat-soluble vitamins such as A and D. Vitamin A is also found in vegetables, liver and olive oil. This vital substance is fundamental for healthy hair because it nourishes the follicles. You can also use it to prevent hair loss. 

2. Nuts

Dried fruits are generally rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They are also an excellent source of B vitamins and folic acid. So that we improve the enrichment of the blood with oxygen, from which the hair follicles also benefit.

Nuts also contain copper. This mineral helps to keep the natural hair color longer. 

3. Vegetables

Certain vegetables, such as  eggplant, celery, and asparagus, are high in zinc. This mineral is essential for healthy hair. This is because it is important for DNA formation.

In addition, zinc promotes a balanced hormonal balance and plays an important role in a wide variety of enzymatic reactions.

Zinc deficiency leads to hair loss, slower hair growth and prematurely graying hair. Various immune deficiencies can also be the result.

4. Red meat in the diet for healthy hair

Red meat in the diet for healthy hair

Red meat provides iron, which promotes oxygenation of the blood. Certain vegetables, such as spinach, are also rich in iron. These strengthen the hair and promote healthy hair growth.

Iron is also important for supplying oxygen to the scalp and promoting hair pigmentation. 

It is a mineral that is essential for the renewal of blood cells and promotes the transport of oxygen to the organs, muscles and the brain. Iron deficiency can lead to a wide variety of disorders. Hair loss is just one of the possible consequences.

5. Fruits in your diet for healthy hair

Citrus fruits such as oranges or lemons, as well as vegetables such as spinach or broccoli, are rich in vitamin C. This vitamin is also very important in the diet for healthy hair. Because it stimulates collagen production,  which is very important for strong, healthy hair.

It can also be used to repair damaged hair, making it less brittle. It should not be forgotten that vitamin C is essential to promote iron absorption. 

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