Nuts In The Diet Are Healthy

Incorporate nuts into your diet regularly, you can benefit from them in many ways!

Nuts in your diet are healthy

Nuts in your diet can be a really healthy addition. They are ideal as a snack between meals and can also be used for a wide variety of recipes.

Then find out what benefits nuts have in your  diet  so that you can benefit from them too.

Nuts in the diet: properties and benefits

A small bowl is filled with various nuts, such as cashews or almonds.

Strictly speaking, nuts are seeds. They have a hard shell that protects the edible part. In their natural state, they contain less than 50% water.

Nuts are a balanced source of food because they provide energy and many nutrients that the body needs. These include, for example, vitamins A, E and B, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, calcium phosphate, magnesium, copper, iron and proteins.

Nuts also contain valuable antioxidants.  You can also use it to prevent cardiovascular problems and other diseases that occur especially with age.

Nutrition experts recommend raw nuts. Ideally, they should not be roasted and under no circumstances should they be salted.

The most popular nuts

There is a wide variety of nuts, the names, shapes and properties of which can differ depending on the region or country of origin.

Some of these are generally known for their beneficial properties  and are very popular in many recipes. The following types of nuts should not be missing in your kitchen!


A cup full of almonds fell over.
  • Almonds can be used in many ways.  They contain an abundance of calcium and therefore strengthen the bones.
  • They are high in fiber. This can prevent various problems including constipation or diverticulitis.
  • Almonds are a good source of proteins and fatty acids, which are essential for a healthy cardiovascular system.
  • The antioxidant effect of almonds also prevents degenerative diseases.
  • Although this is a fatty and high-calorie food, scientific studies show that almonds do not make you fat.


One bowl is filled with walnuts.
  • Walnuts are more protein than meat, but they do not contain harmful fat.
  • Their omega-3 fatty acid content is especially good for people who suffer from arthritis or skin problems.
  • Many specialists believe that the beneficial properties of walnuts are good for preventing cancer.
  • They provide nutrients to your brain, nervous system, and heart. They contain powerful elements that are very helpful in times of stress and promote relaxation and restful sleep.
  • As long as you keep yourself in moderation, you will not gain weight with it.


Several dozen pistachios.
  • Pistachios are higher in vitamins  than other nuts.
  • They provide important nutrients and a lot of energy and also contain proteins and vegetable oils.
  • These nuts are rich in important minerals  such as copper, manganese, potassium, fiber, phosphate, and magnesium.
  • Pistachios help prevent  cancer and diabetes.  In addition, they support weight loss. They can also lower cholesterol and improve the cardiovascular system.


Chestnuts roasting over a fire.
  • Chestnuts contain fiber, protein and carbohydrates. They are perfect for weight loss diets because they provide important nutrients, are low in calories and have a filling effect.
  • They also provide important minerals that have regenerative and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • They have a positive effect on stomach and intestinal diseases such as gastritis, diarrhea and ulcers.
  • If you include these nuts in your diet, you can also improve brain function and physical performance.


There are many hazelnuts in and around two bowls.
  • Hazelnuts are an excellent source of vitamins A, B, and C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and flavonoids. They improve blood circulation and promote brain health.
  • They contain healthy fats that help control bad cholesterol levels. At the same time, they increase good cholesterol levels.
  • The small nuts also contain vegetable protein, which provides your body with energy and supports your mental performance. Protein repairs bone and muscle cells, among other things.
  • Since they are high in calories, you should consume them in moderation if you want to avoid weight gain.

Pine nuts

Many pine nuts are spread out on a surface.
  • Thanks to their vitamin E and zinc content, pine nuts are great for cardiovascular health.
  • They provide significant amounts of fiber that will help your bowels function without any problems.
  • Pine nuts are rich in zinc and therefore promote fertility, especially in men.
  • They help to naturally strengthen the immune system.

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