The Best Fruits Against Anemia

These fruits not only provide iron, they also contain vitamins to fix it in the organism. The acerola fruit contains the most vitamin C and iron.

The best fruits against anemia

Many suffer from anemia at some point in their life. A poor diet, heavy menstrual bleeding, a kidney or liver problem, among other things, can be the causes. There are  fruits against anemia.

Iron deficiency has effects that should not be ignored. In this post we recommend various  fruits for anemia. However, you should always consult your doctor first so that he can make a diagnosis.

Which fruits help with anemia?

fruit salad

Can fruit help make up for the iron deficit? Not complete, but fruit is very important to rebalance iron levels.

For example, many nutritionists recommend eating iron-rich foods with a squeeze of lemon. The iron in mussels or spinach can be used even better with a little lemon, for example.

So fruits are crucial in treating anemia. Not only can they supply iron but also vitamins that help absorb this mineral better and compensate for the deficiency.

1. Fruits against anemia: oranges and lemons

citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and other valuable nutrients. Therefore, they should never be missing. The best thing to do is to drink fresh orange juice every day for breakfast with a cup of oatmeal with strawberries, nuts, almonds …

At lunchtime you can marinate the salad with a squeeze of lemon, all of this helps against anemia.

2. plums


Plums have excellent healing properties. They have a digestive effect, are good against constipation and inflammation, they provide a lot of energy and contain a lot of iron.

Plus, plums taste delicious! You can eat them fresh or dried, ideally for breakfast or as a snack for an energy boost. Plums are an excellent remedy for anemia.

3. Pear and apple juice

pear juice

Delicious, tasty, versatile and very health-promoting. Hence the old adage that one apple a day makes one 100 years old. Pears are also highly recommended fruits.

Apple and pear juice not only tastes great, it also helps to improve hemoglobin levels, among other things. Peel an apple and a pear and process into juice with a glass of water in a blender. This then tastes excellent for breakfast!

4. Acerola fruit


Do you know this healing fruit? Acerola is one of the best sources of vitamin C as well as iron. It is a type of cherry from eastern India that is now grown in various regions.

Acerola also contains vitamins B6, B1 and A, flavonoids and essential minerals (iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium), all of which are essential for the organism. This fruit can be eaten fresh, in juice or as a compote, for example.

An excellent remedy for anemia, symptoms of tiredness, stress, exhaustion and ideal for strengthening the immune system.

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