6 Natural Remedies Against Flies In The House

Tired of fighting annoying flies? We’ll show you some natural remedies that will keep flies away.

6 natural remedies for flies around the house

Flies around the house are annoying. They sit on all kinds of surfaces and are particularly comfortable in the kitchen and dining room.

Flies are particularly attracted to dirty surfaces. Trash cans and leftover food are of great interest to them.

Here are  flies in the house not only unsanitary, but also pose a health risk. Because they spread pathogens and parasites.

Fortunately, in addition to the chemical flies that can be bought, there are also natural alternatives. This is how you can fight flies and minimize the health risk.

In this article, we want to show you 6 interesting ways how you can combat flies in the house without resorting to chemical clubs.

What helps against flies in the house?

1. Apple cider vinegar

Vinegar helps against flies in the house

The acid in apple cider vinegar drives away a number of unwanted insects, including flies.

This makes apple cider vinegar a great alternative when it comes to cleaning the house of flies without the use of harmful chemicals.

How do you apply apple cider vinegar?

  • Heat the apple cider vinegar and pour it into a jar.
  • Put a straw through a hole in the glass lid so it doesn’t touch the liquid.
  • Within a few hours you will see flies getting caught in the trap.
  • You can also spray the vinegar directly on the flies.

2. Thyme

Thyme helps against flies in the house

Thyme is a fragrant plant that kills flies from surfaces around the home.

Spreading small bunches of thyme in the kitchen and dining room will keep the flies from sitting on your food.

How can I use thyme?

  • Make small bunches of fresh thyme and place them where most of the flies can be found.
  • Alternatively, you can make an infusion from thyme and use it against the flies with a spray bottle.

3. Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil has long been known to repel insects. It protects against mosquitoes, ants and flies.

Its antiseptic and aromatic properties ensure that insects no longer feel comfortable in your house. Flies don’t like the strong smell at all, which in turn is very pleasant for us humans.

How do you use lavender oil?

  • Soak a small rag in lavender oil and place it in a glass.
  • Then place the jar in the room from which you want to drive the flies away.
  • You can add a few drops of lavender oil every three or four days.
  • You can also dilute lavender oil and use it in a spray bottle.

4. Marigold

Marigold helps against flies in the house

Marigold is great for driving certain insects out of the house. This medicinal plant has antiseptic properties that also ensure freshness and purity.

Marigolds purify the air and neutralize odors that could attract flies.

How to apply marigolds:

  • Place bouquets of marigolds in the rooms where the flies particularly like to gather.
  • You can also make a marigold infusion and use it to wipe the surfaces.

5. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne helps against flies in the house

The smell of cayenne pepper drives away annoying flies that settle in the kitchen and dining room.

The spiciness of cayenne pepper also acts as a natural insecticide.

How can you use cayenne pepper?

  • Add some ground cayenne pepper to hot water. Let the mixture cool and pour it into a spray bottle.
  • You can use the spray directly on flies, or you can spray it on surfaces where they like to settle.

6. Cucumber

Cucumber helps against flies in the house

These refreshing vegetables are great for preventing flies from building up in the trash can area.

Cucumber slices prevent flies from laying their eggs on certain surfaces in the home.

How is cucumber used?

  • Cut a few slices off a cucumber and put them on top and in the garbage can.
  • You can also use cucumber slices in flower pots and other areas where flies like to breed.
  • However, make sure that the cucumber does not spoil and replace the slices with new ones in good time!

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