7 Fruits To Lose Weight

In a short time you will notice how the attached fruits will help you to lose weight in a balanced way.

7 types of fruit to lose weight

Fruit is healthy, everyone knows that. However, there are certain types of fruit that can help us with various problems. If you want to lose weight, you can benefit from our information.

We would be happy to explain to you which types of fruit it is so that you can incorporate it into your nutritional plan.

In a short time you will notice how the attached fruits will help you to lose weight in a balanced way, reducing excess fluids, fat deposits and toxins without losing energy and vitality.


This citrus fruit is one of the best detox that promotes fat loss in our body. Lemon can even be taken for heartburn, as citric acid has an alkalizing effect in the stomach.

We advise taking lemon water before breakfast, although lemon juice can also be used to flavor, especially in high-fat dishes.

Lemon water

Types of fruit: grapefruit

This citrus fruit is also ideal for losing weight, as it helps us avoid water retention, cleanse the organism, break down fat and thus take care of the liver.

You can eat grapefruit straight away or you can prepare a juice. If this fruit is too bitter for you, you can sweeten it with a little stevia.

As an alternative, especially out of season, you can also use grapefruit oil essence (make sure that the essence is edible when buying). Take a drop of grapefruit essence mixed with a little honey or oil every morning.


Since watermelon has a very high content of water, it not only has a filling effect, so that you eat less, but also detoxifies. More than 90% of the fruit’s weight is water. The number of calories is very low, approx. 20 kcal per 100 g.

Watermelon is rich in vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium and lycopene, a pigment that prevents cancer.

It is very important not to eat watermelon during meals or as a dessert, as the high water content and sugar it contains have a negative effect on digestion and we therefore gain weight.

We recommend consuming this type of fruit as breakfast or between meals without any other food. That way, you will get the most out of its benefits.

You can take watermelon straight or as juice (use the juicer or hand blender for this) with a few drops of lemon juice and without removing the seeds, as these are very beneficial to health.



Berries, such as raspberries, blackberries or blueberries, are not only delicious but also very healthy. They are high in fiber and help stabilize sodium levels.

In addition, these berries contain  anthocyanins, a substance that helps process the sugar and fat, making them essential for worry-free weight loss.

To get the most out of its properties, we recommend eating this type of fruit between meals (be it as a snack in the morning or as a snack in the afternoon).

In any case, it would be ideal to eat berries fresh, but you can also take them freeze-dried or as jam or juice.

Types of fruit: apples

For many, the apple is considered a boring fruit. However, it is one of the healthiest types of fruit, and it is not without reason that the consumption of one apple a day is highly recommended. If the apples are unsprayed, the peel should be eaten as well.

In this way you help your body to burn fat thanks to the ursolic acid it contains. Apart from that, the apple peel contains a large amount of fiber, which aids digestion. You can eat apples raw, oven-baked or cooked with a little cinnamon.



The pear contains two antioxidants that are very important for weight loss, namely catechins and flavonoids. These fight water retention and promote the breakdown of toxins and fat.

To lose a few pounds, you can only eat pears in the evening for a week, with a balanced diet throughout the day. Another form is to only consume pears or pear juice for one day every other week.


Papaya is a very delicious exotic fruit. It contains a high level of fiber and water and is also very low in calories. Papaya helps us digest proteins properly.

We recommend starting the day with a papaya fruit, be it as a whole fruit or as a juice or shake. If you are preparing these yourself, you should add some seeds as they are excellent against intestinal parasites, which in many cases increase the appetite.

Papaya is also rich in vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin K.

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