What Do You Know About Cold Cough?

Cough is a defense mechanism of the body to remove foreign substances. Find out today which medicines help to gently relieve the cough.

What do you know about cold cough?

Cold cough is one of the most common symptoms in winter and is also a defense mechanism in our body. Coughing is used to push secretions and foreign particles out of the body that enter the airways.

Coughs can have several causes, such as:

  • Infectious inflammatory processes in the airways
  • Inhalation of irritating or toxic substances
  • Chronic respiratory diseases
  • Side effects of medication

Types of cold cough

Dry cough

The dry cough or dry cough occurs as a result of irritation of the throat, larynx or upper respiratory tract. In many cases, the cough itself often increases the irritation, creating a vicious circle.

Treatment aims to reduce the severity and frequency of coughing. Usually , centrally or peripherally acting cough suppressants or natural remedies are used, which are supposed to protect the mucous membrane from irritants.

Cough with sputum

Productive cough or cough with sputum is accompanied by the formation of mucus. The mucus-forming glands produce more secretions during the respiratory tract infection in order to carry the pathogens out of the body. So it is a natural defense mechanism. Various remedies can help thin the mucus and make it easier to expectorate.

Dry cough can also develop into cough with sputum due to the irritation or inflammation. The mucus is then usually thick and tough, which is quite normal with colds, for example.

Woman with dry cough

How can cold cough be treated with medicinal plants?

Various medicinal plants are very helpful for coughing by relieving the irritation, moistening the airways, loosening the stuck mucus or making it easier to remove.

Medicinal plants with mucilage, saponins, flavonoids and essential oils are particularly helpful.


The mucilage contained in various plants consists mainly of polysaccharides. They are characterized by their soothing and protective effects on the mucous membranes. They also moisturize them, making it easier to expectorate. 

The mucous substances can be found both in preparations for dry cough and for cough with sputum. The plants with mucilage include aloe vera, marshmallow, poppy seeds, mullein, plantain and mallow.

Saponins for cold coughs

Saponins are natural substances that stimulate secretion in the bronchi and loosen stuck mucus so that it can be coughed up more easily. In addition, in combination with essential oils, they promote the movement of the cilia in the bronchi. Note, however, that the right concentration is very important.

Plants with saponins are for example: ivy, finials, primroses and real liquorice. Ivy is the most commonly used, although not all of the details of its mechanism of action have been adequately researched.

A report by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) shows that the saponins in ivy leaves promote the expansion of the bronchi and stimulate the removal of mucus.

Relieve colds

Essential oils for cold coughs

Essential oils, which have an antimicrobial effect and loosen the mucus, are mainly used to treat cold coughs. They can be used orally in the correct concentration so that they can act directly on the airways.

The following essential oils are very often used for coughs: pine oil, ravinsara oil and oregano oil. They can also be combined with each other to treat or prevent diseases. Seek information at the pharmacy or your doctor  and be sure to follow the dosage recommendations. 

Various medicinal plants can be very helpful for cold coughs with or without sputum. Pharmacies also offer ready-made preparations. Always get good advice from your doctor or pharmacy!

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