Ringing In The Ears: Causes And Treatment Options

Ringing in the ears can have various causes. Diagnosis and treatment are very important to prevent more serious consequences. 

Ringing in the ears: causes and treatment options

As a  ringing in the ears  or tinnitus all types of head and ear noises are called. Usually these noises occur suddenly and are very unpleasant. The exact cause cannot always be determined.

If the ringing in the ears is only temporary,  this is not a problem  as you can quickly return to normal. Frequent  ringing in the ears  , however, is very stressful and severely affects everyday life.

The whistling noises in the ears can sometimes be attributed to temporary circumstances, here are a few examples:

  • Water in the ear
  • Travel on the plane
  • extreme physical activity or a changed position after being in the same posture for a long time

In some cases  , however, the noises in the ears are repetitive and very annoying. The intensity varies from case to case. In this case, a quick visit to the doctor is recommended in order to track down the causes.

A serious illness could be hiding behind the ringing in the ears. The ringing in the ears, while not considered a disease,  can be a symptom of a disease. 

Then we take a closer look at some possible causes of tinnitus and also discuss various treatment options. A wide variety of factors have to be taken into account, even diet plays a role in ear noises!

Ringing in the ears: definition and causes

Woman suffers from ringing in the ears

Tinnitus is the name given to noises that can only be heard in the ear by the person affected,  but cannot be attributed to external sources of noise. So you hear something that the others don’t hear: a whistling, ringing, pulsing, vibrating, humming …

These noises in the ears can be caused by different things. Often there are problems with the hearing system that may or may not be pathological. 

The following causes can lead to tinnitus:

  • Too much wax in the ear canal
  • Penetration of water into the inner ear
  • Foreign body in the inner ear
  • Hormonal changes

The pathological causes include the following:

  • Otitis (ear infection)
  • Injuries to the eardrum (eardrum perforation)
  • Otosclerosis
  • Tumors (growths of the auditory or equilibrium nerve)
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Neurological disorders
  • Diabetes or obesity
  • Severe psychological disorders

Traumatic causes:

  • Impact to the hearing or the head from a fall, accident, etc.
  • High blood pressure and heart disease

Other causes that can lead to ringing in the ears:

  • drug consumption
  • Stress, nervousness and exhaustion
  • Certain drugs  (antibiotics, antidepressants …)
  • high noise level, continuous strong ambient noise
  • Frequent use of headphones at high volume

What can you do if the ears ringing?

Woman suffers from ringing in the ears

If the symptoms are common, you should make an appointment with the doctor to find out the exact causes and to get to the root of the problem. Appropriate treatment may be required depending on whether the ringing in the ear is caused by a problem in the ear or another illness.

In this way you can  prevent more serious complications and irreversible consequences. 

The doctor may do a hearing test and other tests. In some cases, a specialist examination by a psychiatrist, psychologist, or endocrinologist is required.

Treatment depends on the causes, the doctor will initiate the appropriate therapy: drugs, surgery, hearing therapy or radiofrequency therapy.

It is advisable  not to take aspirin, as the acetylsalicylic acid it contains is harmful in these cases. 

In some cases, home remedies can only help if the causes are not pathological.

  • Medicinal plants such as gingko biloba are often recommended for better blood circulation. Pineapples or warm compresses can also help at times.

How can you prevent ringing in the ears that is not of pathological origin?

Woman has ringing in the ears

As a precaution, it is important  to avoid loud sources of noise,  to lead a healthy life and to maintain not only physical but also psychological health.

  • The excessive consumption of salt, sugar, caffeine and fast food should be avoided.
  • Eat a balanced, healthy diet.
  • Don’t forget to drink enough water and exercise regularly!

Possible consequences

Woman with ringing in the ears

If the diagnosis and treatment are correct,  tinnitus can often be cured without further consequences. However, if not treated appropriately, serious follow-up problems can arise.

For example,  hearing loss could occur if the auditory cells are damaged.  Also  hyperacusis, hypersensitivity to sound, the result could be if the auditory cells are stimulated too much.

The ringing in the ears often limits the quality of life and performance. Headaches, dizziness, insomnia, depression, or anxiety are also common.

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