Colon Cleansing With Natural Remedies

During colon cleansing, it is advisable to stay at home and remain calm. Rest this day and the next.

Colon cleansing with natural remedies

A colon cleansing with natural remedies  can help to cleanse the colon of harmful substances and residues that can cause diseases.

In this article, you will learn how a colon cleansing with natural remedies can be easily done to ensure better general health.

Interesting facts about colon cleansing with natural remedies

In alternative medicine, regular colon cleansing is recommended as it would rid the body of pollutants and residues that accumulate over time.

Harmful substances can cause illness and affect general well-being.

Even if the bowel is emptied regularly, this is usually not enough. Particularly in the case of constipation, the intestines are not cleaned correctly and residues accumulate.

There are several natural methods and home remedies that can be used to cleanse the colon and thus promote good health. Basically, the number of bowel movements is consciously increased.

Illustration of an intestine

How often do you do colon cleansing?

Colon cleansing is recommended at least twice a year. Afterwards you will feel better, lighter and full of energy, the nutrients can be better absorbed and pollutants can be excreted better.

The modern diet contains numerous harmful substances such as preservatives and other additives that accumulate in the body, especially in the intestines, kidneys and liver.

Therefore, colon cleansing is necessary from time to time. Most of the time, the positive effect is particularly noticeable after the third treatment, but the results after the first colon cleanse are generally very satisfactory.

Particular attention should be paid to diet during cleaning. It is recommended to avoid dairy products, irritating and high protein foods during this time.

Fruits, vegetables, and high-fiber foods are best. Sufficient water is also very important. After the colon cleansing, it is recommended to rebuild the intestinal flora, as many bacteria are excreted with the cleansing.

Food such as natural yoghurt, additives with bacilli, yeast or sauerkraut are advisable. The latter contains glutamine, which promotes the regeneration of cells in the digestive system.

Woman holds her stomach

Peelings and massages are also recommended to help eliminate harmful substances. Lymph drainage is particularly advisable.

In addition, certain exercises are very helpful, for example Makko-Ho stretching exercises, which improve the flow of energy in the intestines. You should stay home on the day of the colon cleanse and the day after.

It is therefore advisable to do this on a quiet weekend.

Colon cleansing beverages with natural remedies

As mentioned earlier, gut health is very important to our general wellbeing. In the intestine, nutrients and vitamins are absorbed and harmful substances are excreted.

When pollutants and fats accumulate, the functioning of the intestines is hindered, which can lead to illness or general malaise.

The positive properties of various homemade juices and shakes can be used for a natural colon cleansing.

Green juice with aloe, cucumber and apple

This juice not only tastes delicious, it also has a strong cleansing effect. All ingredients have a detoxifying effect and thus guarantee success.

The intestines will be stronger and healthier afterwards. For this juice you need the following ingredients: 1 slice of pineapple, 1/2 cucumber with peel, a small (preferably green) apple, half an aloe leaf and the juice of an orange.

Cut the cucumber and pineapple into pieces, dice the apple (with the skin!) And remove the aloe gel.

Process all ingredients into juice in a blender, also add the orange juice. If the drink gets too thick, you can add a little water. Drink on an empty stomach and in the afternoon for 7 days.

green smoothie


Ginger juice

This recipe is very simple, but very effective at getting rid of pollutants. Ginger has anti-inflammatory and digestive effects.

First wash, peel and cut a piece of ginger root and use a blender with a glass of water to make juice. Then drink on an empty stomach, sweetened with a little honey.

This remedy also helps relieve nausea, heartburn, reflux and other digestive problems. At the same time the intestines are cleaned.

Red juice for colon cleansing with natural remedies

This juice helps relieve intestinal inflammation while eliminating pollutants. The fresh juice has a strong dehydrating and antioxidant effect.

You will need 6 strawberries, a slice of natural pineapple and a tablespoon of fresh parsley. First process all ingredients into juice in a blender. Then add some water.

This drink is taken once a day before breakfast for a week.

Lemon juice

The lemon has excellent detoxifying effects. That’s why you can simply squeeze a lemon for a colon cleanse and dilute the juice with half a glass of lukewarm water. Drink before bed.

Lemon on the press

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