Which Drinks Make You Fat?

The World Health Organization recommends two liters of fluids a day, many also adhere to it, but there are few who drink pure water.

Which drinks make you fat?

You want to change your diet and lose a few pounds in the process. How about reducing or eliminating high-calorie beverages, which often promote water retention, first. Many  drinks make you fat.

The World Health Organization recommends two liters of fluids a day, and many adhere to it, but there are few who drink pure water. The excess of sugar and calories in liquid form can not only affect our figure, but also affect our health.

We usually drink flavored drinks during meals or to quench our thirst . Sugary soft drinks, fruit juices, sugared teas, alcoholic beverages, carbonated beverages and many others.

Are we really aware of the  extent to which these drinks affect our health?

Alcoholic drinks

Alcohol promotes obesity for several reasons: First and foremost, alcohol consumption means consuming a large number of calories that the liver has to process intensively.

This is one of the reasons why this vital organ is severely damaged with high consumption. While the liver is processing alcohol, it can not break down the fats we ingest.

In addition, alcohol stimulates our appetite. Hunger is a direct enemy of being in good shape. In addition, alcohol is a gentle drug as it is addicting.

We should therefore try to limit alcohol consumption to a glass of wine with meals or a glass of beer with friends.

Carbonated soft drinks

Sugared soft drinks are also responsible for obesity. Virtually all carbonated  soft drinks usually contain added sugars, such as glucose-fructose syrup made from transgenic corn (cheaper, but poor quality).

In addition, plenty of glucose is added to the soft drinks, which not only sweetens the drink, but also makes it dependent.

Light drinks are also not entirely without, because they are usually sweetened with aspartan, which is particularly harmful to our health. It would be ideal to sweeten our food with natural sweeteners, such as stevia.

Some major manufacturers have introduced drinks as well as foods sweetened with stevia. Much remains to be done, however, as sugar is still used, but in smaller quantities.

Unfortunately, not only do soft drinks contain unhealthy sweeteners, they also use  sodium chloride in many cases , which causes water retention. Not only does it affect our weight, but with regular consumption it can also put a heavy strain on the liver and kidneys.

Fruit juices

fruit juice

There is nothing more energetic, healthier and more delicious than delicious natural fruit juice, especially when it is made from organically grown fruit without chemical fertilizers or industrial pesticides.

When you buy these fruit juices, you should look out for the seal of approval. This guarantees the correct cultivation, the appropriate harvest and the appropriate processing of the fruit.

Avoid fruit juice drinks, however, as these are not only low in fruit. They also contain unhealthy flavor enhancers, colorings and low-quality sweeteners.

For this reason, play it safe and prepare the juices yourself, using fresh fruit and vegetables from high-quality cultivation.

The very best drink

To quench our thirst, of course, water is by far the healthiest drink. If it’s mountain or spring water, so much the better. You can find it inexpensively in any supermarket or grocery store.


Tea, herbal tea, freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice, plant-based dairy products such as oats, rice or almonds.

Or a drink made with roasted grains or plants such as coffee or barley is not only good for our taste buds, but also for our health.

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