Beauty That Comes From Within: Nutrients For Skin, Hair And Nails

With a balanced diet you can ensure healthy skin, strong nails and full hair

Beauty that comes from within: nutrients for skin, hair and nails

It doesn’t have to be “special dragees” to give your beauty a boost from within. Our daily diet contains all the nutrients that are necessary for healthy nail, skin and hair growth.

You just have to eat healthy and balanced. We’ll show you which nutrients are contained in which foods!

Nutrients: protein

The basic structure of all cells is protein. Hair consists to a large extent of keratin, which in turn is made up of protein. Hence, it is important to eat protein.

It doesn’t always have to be meat! Dairy products and legumes, as well as nuts, are also good alternatives for meeting protein requirements with your diet. Caution: protein shakes are unnecessary and only burden the kidneys!


vitamin C

Connective tissue and skin are made up of collagen fibers. The more solidly these structures are built, the less fat can store between them and less cellulite is created.

The collagen fibers need certain nutrients and vitamins to be built up well: Vitamin C is one of them. For the sake of your figure and your love handles, you should pay attention to a lot of fruit and vegetables in your daily diet anyway.

Your connective tissue and your skin are also happy about it! And ultimately you too when you look in the mirror! Five servings of fruit and vegetables are a minimum.

The more colorful the better! Try to incorporate five different colors of fruits and vegetables into your diet every day. This not only helps against cellulite!


Vitamin A

Vitamin A is also called retinol and is also important for healthy skin. This also makes the hair shaft supple and thus also ensures beautiful hair.

An overdose of vitamin A with vitamin tablets is quickly possible and especially harmful for pregnant women and their unborn children.

It is therefore important to only get vitamin A through food. There is a particularly large amount of it in liver, carrots, pumpkin, kale and whole grain products.

Brewer's yeast

B vitamins

Vitamins B5 (pantothenic acid), B3 (niacin), B11 / B9 (folic acid / folate), B6 ​​(pyridoxine) and B7 (= biotin, vitamin H) also ensure healthy skin and shiny hair.

Among other things, these B vitamins are involved in sebum production, supply the hair roots and prevent inflammation. Hair and skin cannot be formed without biotin (vitamin H / vitamin B7).

Yeast, legumes (especially soy), liver, oat flakes, nuts and dried fruits are particularly rich in B vitamins.


Nutrients: zinc

The trace element zinc is not only important for a healthy immune system, but also for the formation of skin and hair. Insufficient zinc intake often manifests itself in hair loss, dry skin and brittle nails.

Good sources of zinc in your diet include: red meats, cheeses, walnuts and pecans, mushrooms, yeast, legumes and seafood.



Usually iron is only associated with red blood cells and not with beautiful skin, beautiful hair and nails.

But because iron ensures good oxygen transport in the blood, it is also important to supply skin cells with nutrients.

Iron is therefore also responsible for the healthy growth of skin, hair and nails. Iron deficiency can even lead to hair loss! Without vitamin C, iron is simply excreted from your body unprocessed.

Meat is high in iron, but there are good plant-based alternatives too: wheat bran, soy flour, pumpkin seeds, millet, lentils, chanterelles, tofu and more!

whole grain products


Another metal that is important to you. A lack of copper leads to brittle hair and splintering nails. The much-mentioned whole grain products, legumes, yeast and nuts contain a particularly high amount of copper. Have you already eaten any of these today?


Better fresh than artificial!

With all vitamins and minerals, it is important to consume them in their naturally occurring form. So to eat the vitamin C from a fresh paprika instead of taking an effervescent vitamin C tablet.

The packaging of the effervescent tablet says how many vitamins it contains, but not how much your body can actually absorb and use.

This is called “bioavailability” – and this is always higher when you consume fresh food that is as balanced and varied as possible.

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