Cinnamon And Lemon: A Wonderful Home Remedy

If the combination of lemon and cinnamon seems too intense for you, you can add a little honey to refine the taste.

Cinnamon and Lemon: A Wonderful Home Remedy

The combination of cinnamon and lemon makes a wonderful natural remedy that  can be very useful in numerous situations.

For example, if you are taking vitamin capsules to boost your immune system, you can instead consume this home remedy regularly to get the same effects.

This extraordinary citrus fruit and the millennia-old spice are characterized by unique nutrients that  promote well-being without causing side effects. 

It is a very simple and inexpensive natural product that brings taste and color into your life and daily diet. You too can benefit from it!

Today we invite you to get to know the benefits of lemon and cinnamon. You will love this home remedy!

1.  Lemon and cinnamon for joint pain

Lemon and cinnamon for joint pain

If you have arthritis, we recommend consuming lemon and cinnamon every day to reduce swelling and inflammation.

  • Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which is very important for the body to produce collagen. This essential protein is of paramount importance for bone and joint health.
  • In addition, lemon juice contains powerful antioxidants that help effectively reduce swelling and inflammation. However, don’t forget to stay constant with taking this home remedy!
  • The combination of lemon and cinnamon has a dehydrating effect and helps to remove harmful substances from the organism. 

    Both ingredients have anti-inflammatory effects and are therefore very often recommended for joint problems. To relieve arthritis symptoms, we recommend the following treatments:


    • 1 cinnamon stick
    • 5 tablespoons lemon juice (50 ml)
    • 1 teaspoon honey (7.5 g)
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


    • Heat the water and add the cinnamon stick. Let it simmer for 15 minutes and then steep for 10 minutes.
    • Then remove the cinnamon stick and add the honey.
    • Mix with the lemon juice and serve in your favorite cup.
    • Drink this combination every morning on an empty stomach.

    2. Lemon and cinnamon for weight loss

    You have probably heard of the fact that some foods can activate the metabolism. Today’s home remedies can also be very effective.

    • Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar levels.
    • In addition, this aromatic spice supports the body in converting carbohydrates into energy.
    • If you take this home remedy every day,  you will be able to get rid of love handles  and gradually reach your goal of losing weight more easily.

    Then we’ll explain how to make the home remedy that will help you lose fat gradually.


    • 1 cinnamon stick
    • 5 tablespoons lemon juice (50 ml)
    • 1 teaspoon honey (7.5 g)
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


    As you can see, the ingredients are the same as in the previous recipe and they are prepared the same way.

    The difference, however, is that you take  this home remedy 20 minutes after a main meal. In this way you can activate the metabolism and at the same time promote digestion.

    3. Beautiful facial skin with no imperfections or acne

    Lemon for acne

    The combination of cinnamon and lemon juice has a strong antibacterial effect,  with these ingredients focusing in particular on the following areas:

    • Lemon juice helps reduce blemishes and acne marks (even if they don’t go away entirely).
    • At the same time, cinnamon helps with minor infections caused by pimples.
    • Using the following simple home remedies every evening can improve the complexion of your skin and reduce acne and possible scars.

    Well worth trying this simple recipe.


    • 1 teaspoon cinnamon (5 g)
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (10 ml)
    • a small container
    • 1 cotton pad


    • Prepare this facial in the evening before bed. Start by cleaning your face thoroughly before applying the home remedy to your skin.
    • Mix the two ingredients together and use them to moisten a cotton ball to apply the mixture to the affected areas of the skin.
    • Let the remedy work for 5 minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water.

    You can use this remedy  whenever pimples or blemishes appear. 

    4. Home remedies for flu and colds

    Lemon, cinnamon and honey

    This home remedy cannot prevent you from catching a cold or the flu. But you can achieve that the effects are less and you recover faster.

    It is well known that lemon contains vitamin C and cinnamon has an antibacterial effect. The combination of these two ingredients can strengthen the immune system. 

    For example, you can avoid periods of fever or excessive mucus build-up.

    Then you will learn how to prepare the home remedy.


    • 1 cinnamon stick
    • 1 cup of orange juice (250 ml)
    • 5 tablespoons lemon juice (50 ml)
    • 1 teaspoon honey (7.5 g)


    • Press the oranges to get the juice. Warm this with the cinnamon and honey for about 5 minutes.
    • Then remove the cinnamon stick and add the lemon juice.

    Drink this home remedy on an empty stomach in the morning. You will see how good that does.

    Cover picture kindly provided by ©

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