Juices Against Stress And Anxiety

The strawberry-banana shake contains valuable antioxidants, cleanses the organism and has a relaxing effect. Strawberries also increase endorphin levels.

Juices against stress and anxiety

Stress and fear are not uncommon in our lifestyle. It is not always easy to reconcile all activities and duties, both in private and professional life.

We often have a fixed schedule, we mustn’t keep anyone waiting and we have little time for ourselves and our needs. So it is no wonder that stress and anxiety often  occur that are not necessarily healthy for our body.

Stress and anxiety affect each person differently. Experts even say that there are differences between women and men. For example , women are more sensitive to stress, but thanks to the hormone estrogen, women usually master stressful situations better than men.

Furthermore, women are usually more eloquent and can therefore also express feelings and emotions better. Be that as it may, stress can also become a serious illness with serious consequences. So what are we waiting for?

Why don’t we start changing our lifestyle?

How about if we finally set priorities and look for time for ourselves? How about a better and healthier diet? A good idea for this is, for example, healthy juices made from fruits and vegetables.

Diet against stress and anxiety

There are several foods whose nutrients can help cope with stress better and detoxify our bodies.

These foods help eliminate toxins in the body that build up during stress and have a relaxing effect. In the following we will introduce some recommended foods:

  • Foods with vitamins A, C and E fight free radicals and help reduce stress and anxiety and keep our body cells young and healthy. Where do we find these vitamins? In carrots, melons, beetroot, strawberries, oranges, lemon, Brussels cabbage, spinach, broccoli, peppers and tomatoes, etc.
  • Magnesium, potassium and calcium work against stress hormones. They also promote relaxation and also regulate our heartbeat. Foods with potassium include all fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Magnesium is found in nuts, grains, kernels and some vegetables (be careful! Magnesium can disappear during cooking, so it is recommended that we use the remaining water for soups or sauces after cooking).

Juices against stress

Beet juice


  • 3 leaves of red cabbage
  • 1 tomato
  • Half a beetroot


Wash all the ingredients well and then mix them in a stand or hand blender until an even, purple-colored juice is produced. This juice is simply delicious and it also provides us with valuable vitamins. We recommend that you enjoy this juice in the evening.

Apple and raspberry juice



  • 2 apples
  • 7 raspberries
  • some mint leaves


Mix all ingredients in a stand or hand blender until you get an even, red juice. You can add a little water if the juice seems too thick for you. This drink is ideal for breakfast as well as for dinner.

Vegetable juice

Tomato juice


  • 1 tomato
  • some leaves of parsley
  • half a celery
  • 5 leaves of spinach
  • 5 leaves of endive lettuce


Wash all the ingredients well and then blend them in a stand or hand blender. You can add half a glass of water to make the juice less thick. It is best to drink this juice before the two main meals.

It helps you relax and also provides you with a lot of important nutrients.

Strawberry and banana juice



  • 8 strawberries
  • 1 green pear
  • a ripe banana
  • 1 spoon of brewer’s yeast


This juice is not only extremely tasty, but also very healthy. It contains antioxidants and cleanses and relaxes our body. Thanks to the strawberries, our bodies also release numerous endorphins.

Wash all the ingredients well and then blend them in a stand or hand blender. We recommend that you enjoy this juice for breakfast every two to three days.

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