7 Symptoms Of Appendicitis

Detecting appendicitis early on can save your life!

7 symptoms of appendicitis

The symptoms of appendicitis  are acute and can get very much worse in a short period of time.

The initial part of the large intestine that protrudes into the abdominal cavity like a sack is called the appendix. When this area becomes inflamed, pain in the navel area often occurs initially, which then focuses on the lower abdominal area after a few hours. One also speaks of appendicitis or appendix inflammation.

The functions of the appendix have not yet been adequately researched. Inflammation must be treated quickly, however, because if pus forms at the site of inflammation, it could lead to destructive appendicitis, which is life-threatening.

At this stage, the inflamed tissue slowly self-destructs and a perforation can occur. It is therefore very important to recognize the symptoms early on.

Then you will find 7 symptoms of appendicitis  so that you can consult a doctor in good time if necessary.

1. Sharp stomach pain

Abdominal pain - one of the symptoms of appendicitis

Acute abdominal pain is one of the first symptoms of appendicitis.

  • Typically, the lower abdominal pain is on the right side, but it can also wander.
  • Often there is also pain in the area of ​​the belly button or in the lower back area.
  • The pain often intensifies when sneezing or when the legs are pulled up.

2. Dizziness and vomiting

Sudden dizziness and vomiting  can also be red flags. The symptoms of appendicitis are often also expressed as general weakness.

  • This happens in over 90% of cases, often after severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  • It is imperative to see a doctor if these symptoms recur. It doesn’t necessarily have to be appendicitis; other diseases could be hiding behind it. The doctor can make a diagnosis and initiate the correct treatment.

3. Constipation or diarrhea – symptoms of appendicitis

Constipation - symptoms of appendicitis

Appendicitis can lead to irregular bowel movements or diarrhea. This is an enrichment for  inflammation in the digestive tract, although it does not necessarily have to be appendicitis. In this case, too, the doctor will provide clarification.

  • These symptoms are often very troublesome. Those affected often suffer from flatulence as well.

4. Flat stomach

A bloated stomach is an uncomfortable feeling of fullness that is often caused by indigestion. There is swelling in the abdomen,  which can sometimes be an indication of appendicitis.

  • When the appendix becomes inflamed, pain usually occurs very suddenly and becomes more and more intense.

5. fever

Fever is one of the symptoms of appendicitis

The symptoms of appendicitis are often very similar to those of a gastrointestinal infection. You may also experience a fever and chills.

  • If the fever rises or comes back, it is important to seek medical help immediately.
  • Even with minor changes in temperature, you should definitely consult a doctor if this is accompanied by pain in the lower abdominal area.

6. Loss of appetite

Sudden loss of appetite is often a sign of acute appendicitis because there is often a reduced production of hunger hormones.

  • In this case, you must definitely see a doctor. Other diseases can hide behind this symptom, so the correct diagnosis is essential.

7. Blumberg sign

Abdominal pain - symptoms of appendicitis

The Blumberg sign is very important in identifying appendicitis. If the abdominal wall in the left lower abdomen is slowly pressed in with the hand and then the pressure suddenly subsides, intense, sharp pain occurs in appendicitis.

  • With this pain, the suspicion of appendix inflammation can be confirmed.

If several of these symptoms appear, a quick visit to the doctor is of great importance, sometimes even life-saving!

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