Associations: What You Should Know!

A bandage must be applied carefully and must not be too tight.

Associations: what you should know!

Dressings and bandages are used for various injuries, such as a muscle contracture or a bleeding wound, but they must be applied correctly. Different bandages are used depending on the injury.

It is a very old method that was  probably already used by Hippocrates in ancient Greece. It is believed that this famous doctor was the first to bandage a patient to treat a venous ulcer.

But even older civilizations, such as the Egyptian, used associations for various purposes. Today we can no longer do without this simple aid,  because it is versatile and often very beneficial. In our today’s article everything you learn about  organizations  should know.

What are bandages used for?

What are bandages used for?

As you know, there are all sorts of different types of bandages and they are used in different ways. They are usually used to protect wounds, prevent infections, or stop bleeding.

They also help  to immobilize and stabilize limbs or joints, which is very important in the event of a sprain , for example. You can also use a bandage to fix a splint or support different parts of the body.

Dressings are also helpful  in improving venous blood flow. This is important, for example, for people who suffer from edema on the legs. It can also be used to fix cushions soaked in active ingredients or to stop bleeding.

Associations and their functions

In a nutshell, associations take on the following functions:

  • Wound dressings:  They facilitate wound healing, fix the wound pad or a pad soaked in active ingredients.
  • Compression bandages:  As a rule, elastic bandages are used to stop bleeding, for example.
  • Immobilizing bandages: They immobilize a part of the body (an arm or a leg …) and thus enable recovery.

What types of associations are there?

Apply bandages correctly

Depending on the underlying injuries, an appropriate bandage is used. The bandage with circular tours usually fixes a wound pad on the arm or leg. The bandage is placed around the affected area.

The bandage with spiral tours is used, for example, to fix a splint on the arm or leg. An elastic bandage is used for this, which is applied in turns that overlap by half to two thirds and are applied at an angle like a spiral.

The ear of corn association is very similar. This is used especially on the legs to support venous return. A figure-of-eight bandage is mostly used for joints. You start under the joint and lead the bandage upwards in several spirals, as if you were drawing a figure eight. Then you lead the bandage back down again.

There is also a specific way of applying a figure-of-eight bandage for a broken collarbone. The figure eight in this case is formed on the patient’s back to pull the shoulders back.

A stump bandage is used on an amputated limb. The bandage is placed around the stump and then attached in horizontal tours.

Associations: What are the risks?

As with any other treatment or technique  , applying a bandage can cause complications. This is especially the case if one has no knowledge or the association is not appropriate.

If the bandage is applied too tightly,  the pressure will be too strong and prevent proper blood flow. As a result, the compressed parts of the body are not supplied with sufficient oxygen. They cool down and turn blue.

It can also cause scabs or ulcers if the bandage is too tight or stiff. Problems can also arise if the bandage is applied to a damp area.


Dressings are very useful in treating various injuries ranging from simple wounds to broken bones. But they should always be put on by an expert who has the technique for every problem or injury. 

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