Values: The Secret Of Success

Values ​​are fundamental beliefs on which a person’s personality is built and which guide their decisions and actions. They are particularly important when dealing with other people and also define personal success. 

Values: the secret of success

We often hear complaints that important values  are being lost more and more. What was once the whole  Family pride is often neglected in modern society. But  values  are essential for peaceful coexistence both within the family and in general. They therefore also form an important part of the upbringing and personal development of every person and make everyday life easier in adult life. 

What are values ​​and why are they useful?


Values ​​are fundamental beliefs on which a person’s personality is built and which guide their decisions and actions. They are particularly important when dealing with other people and also define personal success.

Values ​​determine how we behave in different situations that come our way. If we are to teach these basics to our children, it is especially important to be a good role model. Always lead by example in raising your children!

Observe how you yourself react in certain situations. Because this is fundamental to instilling good values ​​and principles in your children. It is your responsibility to promote values ​​education from a young age. Even if your children are very young, they already understand a lot and imitate you. 

What values ​​should we instill in our children?

Values ​​for children

Every family lives in its own little world with its own rules and norms of behavior. In general, values ​​are passed on from one generation to another. In addition, values ​​are also significantly influenced by the environment,  Culture, friends and experiences shaped. But there are certain core values ​​that we should all develop. 


Gratitude means recognizing the good that one receives. We thank you for the time someone gives us or for other things. In parenting, too, gratitude is a core value that every child should learn. 

There are many ways to express gratitude. A smile, a hug, a simple “thank you”, a squeeze of your hand. ..   Show your children gratitude and they will imitate your example.


The basis of all human relationships and peaceful coexistence is respect for others. This means accepting the independence and individuality of every person. When you respect someone, you accept their right to be different and to act.


Another fundamental value that you should teach your children is honesty. It is a core value that helps us live in truth. Honesty promotes trust and is at the same time the basis for values ​​such as integrity, justice and truth. Try to live honestly if you want to raise your children in a coherent way.

Other important values


Teaching children the value of responsibility takes commitment. By fulfilling your family and job responsibilities, you will show your children the importance of this value. Among other things, responsibility is related to accepting the consequences of one’s own actions.



Generosity is a wonderful quality of a person. Similar to empathy, it helps us think about the needs of others and like to share things with people.

Small children in particular often have trouble sharing. However, that doesn’t mean they are selfish. But you need to correct them and gradually teach them the importance of sharing and helping others. 


As parents, we need to have humble hearts so that our children can imitate us and not feel better than everyone else. By teaching them to be humble, they can better understand themselves. They then do not hesitate to accept their mistakes and learn from them.

Humility helps us humans to overcome our weaknesses and develop strengths. People who work humbly do not become arrogant. In this context we would like to quote Mother Theresa: ” Humility consists in calming our strengths and letting others discover them.”


Of course, there are other essential values ​​that definitely need to be mentioned:  peace, love, justice, freedom, tolerance, solidarity, friendship and goodness. They are as universal as they are fundamental to human coexistence.

Everyone sets their own priorities, whereby various factors play a role. As a mother or father, you should think about this topic and determine exactly which values ​​you want to convey to your child. And don’t forget: a good role model is the best teacher!

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