Stretching Or Strengthening Muscles?

In many situations it is better to strengthen your muscles than to stretch them. It is therefore important to understand the various advantages in order to make the best choice according to the requirements and circumstances. 

Stretching or Strengthening Muscles?

Stretching exercises and strength training are very beneficial in rehabilitation for various ailments. But in some cases the question arises whether you should stretch the muscles or rather strengthen them first. Which method is better in which situation? Find out more on this topic in today’s article.

Stretch muscles

Stretching exercises are very popular because  theoretically they can alleviate muscle pain and improve joint flexibility. However, it has been shown that stretching alone does not achieve the desired goals either in the short term or in a period of seven consecutive months.

The improved flexibility is believed to be due to the fact that  the stretch improves the feeling of tolerance. However, it does not appear to be due to the elongation of the muscle.

But many people benefit greatly from stretching, regardless of whether the exercises are static or dynamic. If you also belong to this group of people, you should consider a few things that we will bring you closer to afterwards.

Stretching muscles: yes, but in which cases?

  • When you feel tension and compression in different joints.
  • Even if you spend a long time in the same position (for example, standing or sitting).

When should you do without stretching exercises?

Stretching muscles: yes, but in which cases?
The stretch muscles can be very beneficial if you usually spend for professional reasons for a long time in the same position. However, there is no evidence that stretching exercises can effectively reduce the incidence of injuries. 

Before the training

If you stretch your muscles before exercising,  muscle strength decreases. While this is not permanent, it can reduce performance and increase the risk of injury. Therefore, it is preferable to do muscle stretching after practicing sports.

If you don’t take any other measures to prevent injury

Muscle stretching as an isolated method has not been shown to be efficient in reducing the incidence of musculoskeletal injuries. But in combination with an individualized training program, stretching can be very beneficial in some cases.

When stretching is the only way to relieve muscle tension

Again, stretching alone has  not proven effective in relieving movement problems or muscle contractures.

The evidence suggests that  muscle stretching does not significantly reduce pain and also does not improve quality of life in the short term,  regardless of whether the person is with or without neurological symptoms. These results came from studies in which participants practiced stretching exercises for seven consecutive months.

Strengthen muscles

Strengthening muscles doesn’t mean going to the gym. If you lift heavy weights but experience pain when bending over, then you are doing something wrong. Strengthening muscles is a process that should help you move around better in everyday life.

Remember that our bodies were designed for exercise: walking, running, and lots of activity are the norm. But we live in a society in which a sedentary lifestyle is the order of the day, because ultimately we no longer have to hunt to feed ourselves. A few steps to the refrigerator are sufficient.

Since  exercise is usually not part of normal everyday life, we have to make a conscious decision  to do something for our health in our free time. Regardless of whether this is done in the fitness center or during daily training at home: Make time for exercise every day!

When is it important to strengthen the muscles?

The reasons are the same as we mentioned for stretching:

  • When you feel tension and compression in different joints.
  • Even if you spend a long time in the same position (for example, standing or sitting).

But there are also other motives that suggest muscle training :

  • If you do stretching exercises to relieve symptoms, but they are unsuccessful; or if you initially feel improvement but then the symptoms increase.
  • Even if you get tired climbing stairs, you should strengthen your muscles.
  • When you’re recovering from an injury
  • you are pregnant or in the postpartum period or
  • are at an advanced stage of life.

Regardless of the reasons, you should seek advice from a personal trainer or health professional. This is especially important when

  • you are a beginner
  • if you are a minor or
  • you are pregnant (or you suspect it) and
  • when you are older.

When should you forego muscle training?

Stretch or strengthen muscles
After traumatic injuries, you should not start muscle training immediately. Even if symptoms of excessive exercise-related stress are present, you should take a break and refrain from muscle training after an acute trauma. In addition, it is definitely not recommended if you have a fracture until the bones have healed well. After a traffic accident, you should wait until your doctor and physiotherapist give you the green light to exercise .

You should also take it easy if the following signs of physical overload due to training are present:

  • Significant drop in athletic performance or in everyday or professional life
  • Great tiredness
  • Spontaneous mood swings
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Insomnia or lack of sleep
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle pain that does not decrease
  • Sudden changes in the menstrual cycle

Stretching or Strengthening Muscles: Which Is Better?

In many situations it is better to strengthen the muscles rather than stretch them. You should make the decision yourself according to your individual needs. Your doctor or physiotherapist can give you the best advice.

If you don’t know how to get started, you can stick to studies like this one that show the key importance of preventing sedentary lifestyle, regardless of whether you choose to do stretching or muscle training. Start exercising today!

Do not forget that the sport or the training location and the appropriate clothing are by no means as important as the following aspects:

  • Before doing any stretching or muscle training, you should warm up properly.
  • Eat a varied, healthy diet.
  • Sufficient sleep and rest are also essential. Therefore, pay attention to good sleep hygiene.
  • Drink enough water!

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