Psychological Abuse: 5 Consequences That Have To Be Considered

Psychological abuse can lead to emotional blocks and make those affected fear new relationships. Help in this case is essential to overcome this situation. 

Psychological abuse: 5 consequences to be aware of

Psychological abuse affects the emotional stability of the victim, who feels intimidated, guilty, and worthless.

The perpetrator manipulates his victim and uses his love or affection to control the life of the person concerned.

This type of abuse is very difficult to identify because, in most cases  , the victims themselves are completely unaware of what exactly is happening to them. 

Since they live in emotional dependence on their perpetrator (life partner, family member or friend), they often justify his abusive behavior.

What is particularly worrying is that this type of abuse  usually leaves deep marks on the victim, even when therapy is administered.  The consequences are later noticeable in the character and behavior of the victim.

For this reason, it is very important to know the possible consequences so that they do not become a hurdle on the further path of life.

In today’s article, we’re going to take a closer look at 5 episodes that often go unnoticed.

1. Seek approval from others


The constant need for approval is one of the consequences that victims of psychological abuse often suffer from.

This is expressed quite inconspicuously through various behaviors: 

  • Always wanting to please others.
  • Adapting the personality to the character of the other.
  • Be extremely kind.
  • To prefer the interests of others to one’s own in order to satisfy the needs of others.

    The need to feel accepted in society and also in a sentimental relationship arises from the fact  that the perpetrator has impressed on the victim that he is not “good enough”.

    But the worth of a person is not determined by such actions, in the long run this can become another weakness.

     What can you do in this case?

    • The first thing to understand is that this behavior is wrong, especially if it makes the wound even bigger.
    • Once the victim identifies the problem, they may want to be alone, but that too is not a solution.
    • Giving yourself time to build up your self-esteem and regaining security prevents you from engaging in wrong behavior.

    2. Resentment

    After psychological abuse, resentments often arise that are directed both against the perpetrator and against oneself.

    Negative feelings,  especially guilt, build up over time, leading to irritability and frustration.

    In some cases, the victim can also experience high blood pressure and depressive states.

    What can you do in this case?

    • One way to heal the soul from resentment is to forgive.
    • This doesn’t happen overnight, but it is possible if you stop feeding negative emotions.

    3. Anxiety and Depression


    Anxiety and depression are mental disorders that affect most victims of emotional abuse.

    The destruction of self-esteem and the constant feeling of guilt  lead to negativity as well as self-destruction.

    The victims often want to die, they are hopeless and usually also suffer from insomnia.

    What can you do in this case?

    • Therapy with a psychologist is essential to escape this black tunnel.
    • Medicines are sometimes needed to regain control.

    4. Problems building relationships with others

    After the emotional abuse, the victims are often very afraid that they will suffer a similar fate again and  therefore do not have enough confidence to build new relationships. 

    The deep marks that remain make it difficult to have a conversation with others and to show confidence.

    There is a lack of self-confidence and security,  so the likelihood of a toxic relationship is very high.

    What can you do in this case?

    • Relationships take time, you have to show yourself as you are and accept others as they are.
    • It is important to improve self-esteem and get to know others well before building a relationship so that it can then be healthy.

    5. Insensibility and abuse


    Painful situations in which self-esteem suffers often lead to a blockage that makes it impossible to feel and express new emotions.

    The victim does not feel bad, but is not happy either,  even if they might have reasons to be.

    It is as if, despite overcoming aggression, there was an obstacle that prevents you from feeling emotions that were spontaneously present in other times.

    What can you do in this case?

    • Insensibility can be overcome, it’s just a matter of time and will.
    • Experience helps make better decisions, even if it’s difficult at first. But over time, you can heal the wounds that make it impossible to feel what you long for.
    • The people who are close to the victim are essential in helping them get rid of negative emotions.

    The traces of psychological abuse don’t go away overnight. It is a process that requires help, support, understanding and a great deal of willpower.

    Even if everything looks black at first and the traumatic wounds seem incurable,  love and time can help to leave these experiences behind.

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