5 Drinks That Promote Sleep And Make It Easier To Lose Weight

You can drink these drinks at any time of the day, but if you drink them in the evening, you can improve the quality of your sleep as they are relaxing Act.

5 drinks that promote sleep and make it easier to lose weight

With these delicious drinks you can promote sleep and lose weight at the same time ! Because they have a calming effect on the organism and also maintain the health of the liver.

The liver plays an important role in the body’s detoxification process, which occurs while you are sleeping.

These are basic functions that are important for a balanced glucose balance, for example.

By removing pollutants, the accumulation of liquids in the tissue can be prevented at the same time. In addition, enzymes and vitamins are better synthesized.

When the liver is working well at night, it can do more than just promote sleep . You can also achieve the goal of taking off more easily.

During sleep, hormones are produced that regulate appetite. If the quality of sleep is good, you won’t be so hungry the next day! People who get enough sleep are therefore less likely to be fat.

We therefore recommend that you incorporate these delicious drinks into your eating plan and drink them in the evening an hour before bed.

In this way you can  promote your sleep and optimize liver functions.

Do you feel like trying the drinks? You will love it!

1. Grape juice to promote sleep and lose weight

Grape juice

Natural grape juice can do a lot for your health.

If you get used to drinking a glass of red grape juice every night before bed, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • You can use it to detoxify your organism and  at the same time supply it with important antioxidants that are very beneficial for the health of the liver.
  • Grape juice is easy and quick to digest, which is also an important benefit.
    Red grape juice ensures a pleasant feeling of well-being and has a relaxing effect that will not occur immediately, but improves the quality of your sleep.
    You will still benefit from it the next morning: You can use it to prevent constipation. At the same time, grape juice has a diuretic effect.
    By the way, cherry juice is also beneficial,  you can alternate with it if you wish.
    Cherries help synthesize melatonin, the hormone that regulates the state of wakefulness and sleep.

    2. Chamomile tea

    Camomile tea

    You have probably drunk chamomile tea several times to calm your nerves. This medicinal plant has been used in natural medicine since ancient times. It is characterized in particular by the active ingredient apigenin.

    • Apigenin combines with the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain and has a relaxing effect similar to some drugs.
    • Chamomile tea therefore has a calming effect and at the same time promotes the well-being of the digestive system: it absorbs nutrients better. In addition, chamomile has a diuretic effect and protects liver health.

    However, you should not consume this tea too hot in the evening! We often think that having a hot drink can help you sleep, but be careful with that.

    Tea that is too hot is not recommended for the intestines and liver Let the tea cool down a little after brewing.

    3. Kefir with honey


    Warm milk with honey is an old sleep aid that is very popular.

    However, since many have problems digesting lactose, we recommend an alternative with kefir.

    • Fermented products are excellent for the liver: they promote the production of bile!
    • At the same time, kefir improves  digestion, prevents constipation and cleanses the intestines.
    • In addition, it should not be forgotten that this dairy product is also effective against stress! It contains tryptophan, an amino acid that, along with magnesium, helps promote sleep.
    • If you also sweeten the kefir with honey, you can supply your body with L-tryptophan. This essential amino acid also ensures a better quality of sleep.

    4. Almond milk

    Almond milk with honey can also help you sleep better.

    The glucose it contains helps the brain regulate orexin levels. This is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for being awake.

    Almond milk also helps regulate cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which are very important if you want to lose weight.

    5. Lukewarm water with lemon

    Lemon water

    We have already recommended lemon water on an empty stomach, you can also benefit a lot from it in the evening. Drink a glass of lemon water regularly before you go to bed!

    • This supports the liver in removing harmful substances.
    • The lemon has an alkaline effect in the body, which is excellent for the lymphatic system and blood circulation. This way, pollutants can be better discharged.
    • In addition, the yellow citrus fruit aids digestion. You will not be disturbed by digestive problems while you sleep

    If you’ve eaten foods with saturated fats, lemon water can help reduce them and help metabolize them better.

    Make it a habit to have one of these drinks before you go to sleep to reap all the benefits.

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