Preventing Water Retention Naturally

Even if any tea can help, green tea and horsetail tea are particularly recommended to combat fluid retention.

Naturally prevent water retention

How can you  naturally prevent water retention? While they are not a serious condition, they can have complications.

It can also be a symptom of ailment as well as a serious imbalance that deserves attention.

Important facts about water retention

Women in particular suffer from water retention. In order to be able to treat these correctly, the causes should then be identified.

Natural prevention of water retention

The organism always tries to keep the water balance in balance. If more water is consumed than necessary, this excess is excreted in sweat and urine.

However, it becomes problematic when the body is unable to excrete excess fluid. The main causes of water retention are:

  • Poor diet
  • Hormone fluctuations
  • Kidney dysfunction
  • Too much salt
  • Liver damage or disease
  • Cardiac dysfunction
  • Use of certain medicines and chemical substances
  • Nutrient or protein deficiency
  • Sedentariness
  • pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • Certain phases of the menstrual cycle

The most common symptoms of water retention are:

  • Unprovoked weight gain
  • Swollen hands and legs
  • Fibrillation
  • malaise
  • cramps
  • Weakness as well as fatigue
  • high blood pressure
  • Cellulite
  • Inadequate urination

Prohibited foods in case of water retention

  • Table salt should be banned from the diet and replaced with sea salt. Instead, the dishes can also be seasoned with seaweed, herbs or cardamom. It should also be noted that sausages, smoked foods, canned foods, purees, processed foods, sauces, mayonnaise, cheese, frozen foods, instant soups or broths, soy sauce, ready-made condiments, etc. contain a lot of hidden salt.
  • Saturated fat as well as red meat
  • Cow’s milk should then be avoided due to its high fat content. Skimmed milk and lactose-free milk are also not advisable, as they require the body to perform better due to the chemical change. The milk also sticks to the intestinal walls, making it difficult for toxins to be eliminated. Plant-based milk, such as almond milk, rice milk, oat milk, etc., are then a tasty alternative.

Water retention

Natural remedies for water retention

  • Dandelion : Dandelion is one of the most useful plants against fluid retention. Boil a handful of leaves and roots of this plant in 1.5 liters of water for 15 minutes. Cover and then let cool. Then take a cup of this tea before meals.
  • Corn hair : Boil a spoonful of corn hair in a little water for 20 minutes. Drink one cup a day to encourage the kidneys to excrete water. This is particularly appropriate in the case of renal insufficiency (in any case, speak to the doctor treating you first).

  • Tea : All teas are helpful in preventing water retention. One teaspoon of herbs is usually used per cup.
  • Meadow Queen : This plant has detoxifying properties and then promotes the breakdown of edema and excess fluid. Four grams of flowers and leaves are scalded for a cup of tea. Then take twice a day.
  • Sundew : Sundew has a high proportion of flavonoids and also has excellent diuretic properties. 1-2 grams of sundew for a cup of water, then take this three times a day.
  • Cherry tree : Promotes kidney function and also helps against obesity, edema, inflammation and kidney failure.

  • Chicory : Helps with liver disorders and promotes kidney function. Chicory is particularly recommended for gout and arthritis. 30 grams of dried roots of this plant are then boiled in 1 liter of water. Take two cups a day.

Fruit juices against water retention

  • Grapefruit-apple-celery juice : 1 grapefruit, 1 apple and 1/4 celery. Wash the celery and then extract the juice from the grapfruit. Mix everything well with the hand blender. Filter the juice and then drink 1 glass every 3 days.
  • Asparagus and cucumber juice : Wash, peel and chop 1 bunch of asparagus and 2 cucumbers. Puree with a hand blender and then take 1 glass a day.
  • Parsley and carrot juice : Wash 1 bunch of parsley and 2 large carrots and then cut them into small pieces. Process into juice with a glass of water in a blender and then filter. Drink 1 glass a day.
  • Carrot-cucumber-parsley-apple-pineapple juice : For this juice, 2 carrots, 1 cucumber, 5 sprigs of parsley, 1 apple and 2 slices of pineapple are washed and chopped up. Puree everything with a glass of water in a hand blender. Then drink daily before breakfast on an empty stomach.

Fruit juice

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