Foods That Could Be Good For Your Bladder

A cystitis is uncomfortable. But you can prevent with food

Foods that could be good for your bladder

With certain foods and a healthy amount of water you can prevent urinary tract infections, especially bladder infections. We’ll show you what foods they are and why they are good for your  bladder.


Cranberries and lingonberries are good for your bladder

Cranberries are famous for their strong defenses and are especially recommended as a preventive measure against urinary tract infections.

Certain ingredients in cranberries likely prevent bacteria from staying in the urinary tract and thus causing an infection.

The cranberry also contains a high concentration of antioxidants. Cranberries grow in North America and are related to our native lingonberries.

We have also used cranberries to prevent urinary tract infections for generations. You’re good for the bladder. So why buy expensive imported fruits instead of eating local fruits? Delicious and so healthy!


Nettle tea

Admittedly, it neither looks appetizing, nor does it taste particularly good. But medicine doesn’t always have to be tasty!

Nettle tea has a dehydrating and diuretic effect and thus helps to flush your bladder well and thus protect it from bacteria.

You can buy the leaves in dried form in pharmacies or health food stores. Since the nettle grows almost everywhere, you can also harvest it yourself and hang it upside down to dry it at home. The stronger the tea, the more intense the effect!


Nasturtium is valued as a medicinal plant for its antibiotic properties. The antibiotic effect is due to the mustard oils. Presumably it also has an antiviral effect, i.e. also against viruses.

It therefore helps with various ailments such as cystitis and can also prevent harmful bacteria from settling in your bladder and leading to cystitis.

Nasturtiums works best when you use the leaves fresh in, for example, green smoothies.

healing teas

Birch bark

Birch bark has a dehydrating effect and therefore ensures that your urinary tract is well flushed. Therefore, a tea made from birch bark is often used for urinary tract infections. You can also drink the tea occasionally as a preventative measure.

The better your bladder is flushed, the lower the risk of developing a bladder infection. If you’re lucky, you can get birch sap in a well-stocked health food store. Alternatively, you can buy birch bark at the pharmacy.

Boil the bark for at least 10 minutes and then pour the infusion through a sieve. What’s more, the tea doesn’t taste too bad when sweetened with honey! In addition, honey is also effective against bacteria.


The sharp root is an ideal bacteria killer. In Bavaria, where it is very popular, it is even called “Bavarian penicillin”. Horseradish is also effective against fungi.

It is important that you eat the horseradish freshly prepared and not from the glass, as the essential oils partly evaporate over time and thus the effectiveness decreases.

Horseradish not only tastes good freshly grated with salads and meat, you can also use it to season hearty smoothies made from vegetables.

Further measures for a healthy bladder

Not only through your diet, but also with your behavior you can do a lot to ensure that your bladder is healthy and that you protect your urinary tract from infections.


Lots of fluids ensures that your urinary tract is always well flushed and that harmful viruses and bacteria cannot stay in your urinary tract long enough to cause damage and cause you a urinary tract infection.

You should drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters per day!

Woolen underpants

Even if you immediately think of grandma’s “love killers”. Warm underpants lead to a well-perfused urinary tract, which can optimally defend against diseases.

It doesn’t have to be woolen underpants in “pensioner beige”, modern functional underwear made of merino wool, for example, keeps you just as warm!

laundry detergent

Wash hot

Underwear should always be washed at at least 60 degrees in order to regularly kill possible germs and bacteria. Especially with urinary tract infections there is a risk of being carried over by your own underwear!

If you are dealing with lingerie that cannot tolerate hot laundry, you should ask about “hygienic rinse” or “laundry disinfection” in the drugstore.

These liquids are used like fabric softeners and ensure that no bacteria, viruses or fungi can survive in the final rinse, even in delicates.

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