Sardines: 3 Important Health-promoting Properties

Sardines belong to the herring family. They contain important nutrients that are good for your health. Find out more about this topic today.

Sardines: 3 Important Health Benefits

Fish is known to be very healthy because it provides nutrients that are very important for the formation of body tissues and various physiological reactions of the organism. Therefore, today we present you the health-promoting properties of  sardines, which you can prepare in many ways in order to benefit from them.

The sardine is an oily fish from the herrings family. These fish are characterized by a high fat content and provide very healthy fatty acids. Find out more about it afterwards.

3 health benefits of sardines

Sardines are highly recommended because they are tasty and also very healthy. They are very popular in the Mediterranean diet and the Atlantic diet  and, as is well known, both diets are very healthy. Find out today why you should include sardines in your diet too.

1. Sardines for healthy muscles

The tasty sardines provide high-quality biological protein. This means that they contain all of the essential amino acids and are very easy to digest. 

A study published in the journal Nutrition Research found that proteins are essential in slowing the progression of diseases like muscle atrophy. For adults with a sedentary lifestyle, a minimum of 1.2 g per kg of body weight is recommended. This can reduce the risk of losing lean tissue, which is associated with better health.

Sardines are fatty fish with a high proportion of biologically high-quality proteins.

2. Sardines for healthy bones

After menopause, many women experience bone problems such as osteoporosis. This disease is associated with a progressive loss of bone density,  which increases the risk of bone fractures and reduces the quality of life.

A sufficient supply of calcium is essential as a precaution. And sardines provide  large amounts of this micronutrient. A study published in the journal Maturitas found that regular consumption of calcium reduced the likelihood of osteoporosis in adult women.

For this reason, it is advisable to  incorporate sardines into your diet on a regular basis. They contain tiny bones that are usually eaten and are particularly high in calcium. Be careful, however, and remove any visible bones to avoid the risk of suffocation.

3. Better cardiovascular health

We already mentioned that sardines contain important unsaturated fatty acids. Scientists have shown that these lipids are closely related to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. So this is also a reason why oily fish should be on the menu at least twice a week.

Healthy fats are also associated with a reduction in blood pressure, which is also very important for many patients. People who are prone to vascular disease also benefit from it.

Furthermore, sardines have a very important advantage over other fatty fish  : Since they are smaller, they hardly contain any heavy metals. So there is no reason not to include them in your diet on a regular basis. Sensitive people and pregnant women do not have to do without it either.

Sardines contain very few heavy metals, so pregnant women can also benefit from them.

Oily fish shouldn’t be missing from your eating plan!

As you can see, sardines have many benefits that you can easily take advantage of. Include them in your diet regularly, because since they are small, they have very few heavy metals.

If you have cardiovascular or bone problems, this is an excellent supplement. In addition, sardines are important for athletes to maintain their bone mass.

Don’t forget that preparation is also important. Avoid fried sardines and high temperatures during preparation,  as the fatty acids can turn into trans fats, which are harmful to health.

It is best to prepare the fish in the oven or fry it briefly with a little olive oil on both sides of the pan. You can of course also eat canned sardines. Enojy your meal!

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