Uterus – Cancer – What Can I Do?

It is important to strengthen cells to fight uterine cancer. All harmful foods, such as those containing artificial additives or refined flour, should be avoided.

Uterus Cancer What Can I Do?

A tumor is a biological defense process because the ejection function does not work properly or is overwhelmed. Diet, pollution, emotional states, etc. can influence the development of a tumor. Is your  uterus healthy?

In this post, you will learn more about cancer cells in the uterus and cervix.

Under no circumstances can natural remedies replace specialist medical treatment, but they can accompany it.

In particular, it is about the elimination of toxins and the strengthening of the organs responsible for them (kidneys, liver, intestines) as well as the alkalization and the oxygen supply of the organism, since a tumor can only spread in an over-acidic environment.

Toxins in the uterus

First of  all, toxins and pathogens (viruses, parasites, fungi, harmful bacteria) should be eliminated as these contaminate and infect our body.

This step is not easy as many pathogens can be present in our body for a long time. These feed on toxins and are very resilient.

Also, before we start, it is of great importance to eliminate from our diet anything that can contaminate our body:

  • Artificial additives (colorings and preservatives)
  • Saccharin
  • sugar
  • Monosodium glutamate (flavor enhancer for soups, Asian and other ready meals, etc.)
  • Trans fatty acids (margarine, industrial baked goods, etc.)


However, daily consumption of the following foods is highly recommended:

  • Pumpkin seeds (against parasites).
  • Garlic (suitable for the old Tibetan garlic cure)
  • Grapefruit seed extract
  • Chlorella (freshwater algae)

If required, other suitable products from the health food store can also be taken.

Restoration of the intestinal flora

If the intestinal flora was damaged during cleaning, you can take beneficial intestinal bacteria that we can find in every health food store to restore it and strengthen the immune system. This will help significantly in fighting the pathogens.

The organs responsible for cleaning

Our body normally cleanses itself naturally and removes everything that is harmful and useless. This is not always possible because it depends on the level of toxicity of some substances, as well as the amount of toxins.

With some medicinal plants, however, we can help our organism to exercise its functions properly. The medicinal plants are taken in the form of teas (three times a day) or as an extract, and the doctor should always be consulted.

  • For the liver: milk thistle, boldo, dandelion
  • For the intestines: flaxseed
  • And for the kidneys: burdock, dandelion and horsetail

The lungs need fresh air, exercise, and proper breathing.


Clay envelopes

In order to eliminate toxins in the uterus and in the abdomen, we recommend applying clay compresses to these areas and leaving them to rest all night.

Mix the clay with water until it becomes a consistent mass. Apply this to your stomach and then cover it with envelopes.

In the morning the envelope will be dry because the clay absorbs toxins and moisture. Wash the area with lukewarm water, then apply some almond oil to prevent your skin from drying out too much.

These envelopes are recommended for everyone, they are easy to carry out, very beneficial to health and also contribute to good bowel function.

Nutrition for the uterus

Good nutrition is also of the utmost importance in order to supply our cells with sufficient nutrients and thus fight uterine cancer. Here are some recommendations:

  • Orange: The peel of untreated oranges can be used for salads, creams and desserts, etc.
  • Lemon: Lemon juice can be drizzled on various dishes.
  • Grapefruit
  • Cabbage: You can grate cabbage and soak it in oil, apple cider vinegar, and sea salt for a few hours.
  • broccoli
  • Turmeric: Add a spoon to your dishes, soups, creams and desserts, etc.
  • Millet: This grain is strongly alkalizing and digestive.
  • Raw garlic
  • Shiitake and Reishi
  • Kudzu (digestive regulator)

Food supplements

There are some very good supplements to fight uterine cancer:

  • Kalanchoe Daigremontiana
  • vitamin C
  • Protheolytic enzymes help prevent cancer cells from spreading
  • Rattlesnake preparations
  • Propolis
  • Resveratrol


Foods That Should Be Avoided

In any case, foods that cause cancer should be avoided as much as possible:

  • sugar
  • Refined flour (white bread, pasta, rice)
  • Salt (sea salt or Himalayan salt are more appropriate)
  • “Red meat
  • Dairy products
  • peanuts

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