What Are The Benefits Of Collagen?

Although there are dietary supplements that contain collagen, we recommend that you eat natural, collagen-rich foods to get all of the benefits. 

What are the benefits of collagen?

You’ve probably heard how important  collagen is  to skin beauty. However, taking this structural protein daily also has many other health benefits. Learn more about the properties and benefits of collagen  in your daily diet today  .

What is collagen

This protein is an important component of  bones, cartilage tissue and skin  and is therefore essential for health. With increasing age, the collagen in the body decreases, which over time can lead to bone problems, wrinkles or, for example, cracked joints.

Then we name some of the healthy properties of this protein building material:

1. Optimizes the effect of sports activities

Collagen in the daily diet

If you take in the right amount of this protein every day, you will promote muscle building. This in turn has the following advantages:

  • You get better results with less training: you can strengthen your muscles more easily and lose fat faster.
  • Your body recovers faster after intense exercise.
  • The risk of injury is lower because your muscles are stronger and more resilient.

You also need high quality protein from lean meat and fish, of course. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that collagen can replace exercise!

2. Prevention against scars

You probably know that many cosmetics for skin regeneration or for scarring contain collagen. This is because  it promotes the formation of new cells in a healthy way.

3. Good for the joints!

Collagen for the joints

You should also take the structural protein regularly to keep the joints flexible and lubricated. In doing so, you also care for the cartilage tissue.

  • Healthy joints allow you to stay elastic and flexible. This can reduce the risk of injury.
  • If your joints crack, whether they hurt or not, you should seek advice from a doctor as a collagen supplement may make sense. Even if you frequently injure your joints, you should speak to your doctor.

    In some cases, doctors recommend injections to help regenerate cartilage tissue. If this is the case for you, don’t forget to eat enough collagen-rich foods.

    4. Elastic skin

    The skin structure depends heavily on this structural protein. The older you get, the more wrinkles and skin changes you will see.

    Certain environmental factors, such as tobacco, UV radiation, environmental pollution or chemicals, also have a negative effect on the skin. You can counteract these effects with collagen and the right skin care routine.

    5. Collagen has a filling effect

    Collagen has a filling effect

    If you want to lose weight naturally and without ruining your health, we recommend collagen powder. You can mix the powder into mixed drinks to keep you full longer and prevent unhealthy snacks between meals.

    We recommend this recipe for breakfast:


    • 2 tablespoons collagen powder (30 g)
    • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal (15 g)
    • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder (15 g)
    • ½ cup of tender spinach (30 g)
    • 1 cup of almond milk (250 ml)
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


    • Process all ingredients well in a blender or blender and drink immediately after preparation.

    This mixed drink is excellent if you like sweets! The drink is also ideal for children who do not like vegetables. You can use a little less spinach for this in this case.

    6. Prevention against cardiovascular diseases

    With enough collagen, you can also improve the elasticity of the heart valves and lymph vessels. This also promotes the cleansing of the organism and reduces the  risk of high blood pressure.

    Don’t forget to not only include foods rich in collagen in your diet, but also generally look for healthy foods without harmful fats!

    7. Collagen for healthy eyes

    Collagen for healthy eyes

    Collagen also improves corneal health. Therefore, regular intake is particularly recommended for people who wear glasses or if they have glaucoma.

    Don’t forget to include other foods in your eating plan that will improve your eyesight (e.g. carrots) and protect your eyes from UV radiation and pollution.

    How can you take collagen?

    The best option is to get the collagen through your diet. The more natural the better.

    The following foods are rich in this building material:

    • Green vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, spinach, lettuce)
    • Sardines
    • cucumber
    • Strawberries
    • Oysters
    • chicken
    • fish

    Other options are collagen powder, capsules or tablets. In some cases, especially with a poor diet,  collagen can be ingested this way. We recommend that you seek help from a nutritionist or doctor to determine the correct diet and amount.

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