8 Foods That Could Help Against High Blood Pressure In A Diet

In addition to numerous other benefits, lemon also helps against high blood pressure, as it has a vasodilator effect and at the same time makes the blood vessels more flexible.

8 foods that may help with a diet for high blood pressure

High blood pressure can be caused by narrowing or clogging of the arteries. With blood pressure values ​​above 140/90 mm Hg, one speaks of hypertension. Which foods can help against high blood pressure ?

The most common causes of this disease are, for example: obesity, genetic factors, increased alcohol or salt consumption, lack of exercise, stress. But also the use of contraceptives or certain painkillers, kidney or adrenal diseases, etc.

It is extremely important to see a doctor and seek treatment for high blood pressure, as the disease can have very serious consequences, including, for example, heart attack, stroke or kidney failure.

If you have hypertension, you should pay attention to your diet in addition to the therapy your doctor prescribes for you. We point out that this is only an addition to the medically prescribed treatment.

Banana for high blood pressure


This fruit is rich in potassium, a mineral essential for lowering blood pressure. According to an Indian study, consuming 2 bananas a day can reduce blood pressure levels by 10%.


Celery has a detoxifying and body cleansing effect, consequently pollutants are eliminated from the organism. This type of vegetable contains phytochemicals that can regulate high blood pressure.

Celery should be eaten raw in salads or juices if possible.



Regular consumption of lemon can also lower blood pressure levels. The blood vessels expand and become more elastic, which is very important for reducing blood pressure.

You should drink 1 glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice every day on an empty stomach (unsweetened!).


Garlic helps prevent and treat many ailments and improves general health. The white tuber ensures better blood circulation and reduces the cholesterol level and, consequently, high blood pressure.

Garlic is best raw as it gives you all of its properties. Garlic extract or capsules can also serve as an alternative.

Onion juice


The onion has health-promoting properties similar to those of garlic. It improves blood circulation and is effective against cholesterol and high blood pressure. It is recommended  to drink the juice of half a raw onion with 1 spoonful of honey every day  .

Coconut milk

If you have high blood pressure, it is important to drink enough. 8 glasses of water is the minimum, some of which can be replaced with coconut milk. Coconut milk is  not only very nutritious, but also has an antihypertensive effect.

Watermelon seeds


Many remove the seeds when they eat watermelon without knowing that it has excellent properties for arterial and kidney health. Watermelon seeds contain cucurbocitrin, a substance that dilates blood vessels.

It also promotes kidney function, is effective against high blood pressure and can also relieve arthritis pain. It is best to chop the kernels and boil them in a glass of water. Let it steep for 1 hour and then drink 4 tbsp several times a day.


Bee honey has relaxing effects on the blood vessels, which is very helpful for high blood pressure. Hypertensive patients should consume 1-2 tablespoons of honey daily. Another option is to mix 1 teaspoon honey with 1 teaspoon ginger juice and 2 teaspoons caraway powder.

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