8 Habits Harmful To Your Appearance

Before you go to bed, you should always remove your makeup with a cleanser, wash your face and then apply a moisturizer.

8 habits harmful to your appearance

Most of the time we don’t give much thought to whether we have harmful habits that could damage our appearance and, in part, our health. However, there are some habits that you should actually reconsider and, if necessary, change.

The problem is, most of the time, we don’t realize we are having adverse behavior until the damage has already been done.

Therefore, in today’s article we want to show you eight examples and remind you that it is not that difficult to convert harmful habits into healthy and helpful ones. Often these are things that we simply do carelessly and do not realize that we are harming ourselves with them.

harmful habits - woman

8 habits harmful to your appearance

1. Sit with your legs crossed

harmful habits - legs

Many people find it very elegant when a woman sits with her legs crossed.

  • However, this posture is very damaging to the blood circulation in the legs because it blocks or hampers the flow of blood. This can lead to varicose veins.
  • This sitting posture also causes back pain and problems in the reproductive organs. These are caused by the pressure that is put on one leg for a long time.

2. Take a hot shower

harmful habits - shower

A hot shower is a very relaxing and enjoyable ritual for many people.

However, you should keep in mind that the hot water has a negative impact on your skin. Similar to excessive exposure to the sun , a very hot shower also changes the natural balance of your skin.

The daily hot shower could also be a cause of your skin being irritated, itchy, or very dry.

  • Dermatologists recommend both a lower water temperature and overall short shower times.
  • You should also use moisturizing products that are not harsh on your skin. Whenever possible, you should also avoid perfumed products and those that contain too coarse particles.

    3. Habits harmful to your hair: Brushing or combing immediately after shampooing

    harmful habits - hair

    This is a very common habit, it is almost automatic when you come out of the shower you comb your hair. However, this procedure is incredibly damaging to your hair. The reason for this is that wet hair is much more sensitive and weaker.

    So when you comb your wet hair, the risk of it breaking and falling out is greatly increased.

    • Therefore, you should first dry your hair very gently with a towel. This is how you can keep it healthy and strong.
    • After that, the gentlest thing on your hair is to let it air dry before you comb or brush it.
    • Regardless of the length of your hair, you should brush from the tip to the roots.

    4. Habits harmful to your skin: Exfoliating too often

    harmful habits - peeling

    Perhaps you, like many others, think that exfoliating is the only way to pure and flawless skin? Of course, peeling is always good for your skin. However, you should by no means exfoliate daily, as this will only increase the oil production of your skin or dry it out heavily.

    These skin effects are precisely the reasons dermatologists advise against using exfoliating creams. Instead, they recommend using lactic or glyceric acid-based scrubs.

    5. The Thinker Pose

    harmful habits - thinking pose

    Often times we put ourselves in this position without even realizing it. Especially when we concentrate, read or work on the computer.

    In this pose, the so-called thinker pose, your hand presses against your chin and supports it lightly. But even if this is only a slight pressure that you exert with your hand, you are shifting your hyoid bone almost imperceptibly.

    This cuts off the blood supply and this disorder can lead to a double chin in the long term. In addition, the process of premature skin aging is also accelerated. You certainly want to avoid both effects.

    6. Permanent touch of your face

    Woman with turtleneck sweater

    Usually you touch your face several times a day and in most cases you don’t even realize it. You do it automatically. However, we often do not have freshly washed hands and this can lead to numerous skin problems.

    • Skin irritation and acne are common from touching your face too often. The dirt and bacteria on your hands are transferred to the skin of your face with every touch.

    7. Habits harmful to your skin: Use sunscreen only on your face

    Apply sunscreen

    The damage to the ozone layer continues and the intensity of solar radiation is constantly increasing. The sun is getting stronger and stronger and the damage to your skin increases.

    Perhaps you are one of those many people who only apply sunscreen to the face and neglect the rest of the body.

    It is a misconception that only the face is particularly damaged by solar radiation, because of course our whole body is affected when we stay in the sun for a longer period of time.

    In this way, you can make a very big contribution to preventing your skin from aging prematurely. You also minimize the appearance of sunspots or freckles.

    8. Bad habits before going to bed: do not remove make-up

    harmful habits - makeup

    Often times you come home tired and exhausted and just want to go to bed and sleep. So it can happen that during these nights you no longer clean your skin and leave your makeup on.

    This clogs your pores and the dirt from the day stays on your face overnight. These clogs and dirt then lead to inflammation of your skin, which could possibly even turn into acne.

    • Always use a make-up remover, wash your face, and apply a moisturizing lotion before going to bed.

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