Turmeric For Acne: Effect And Use

A turmeric mask actually helps effectively against acne. However, you should be careful with this intensely yellow root as it can sometimes cause allergies. 

Turmeric for acne: effects and uses

Although the intensely yellow root is primarily known as a spice for a wide variety of recipes, turmeric has also been used as a natural remedy and for cosmetic purposes for a long time. Did you know that  turmeric works against acne  ? Find out today how you can use this medicinal herb to get rid of unsightly pimples.

The bioactive ingredient curcumin gives the yellow root particularly beneficial properties:  Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and can be used both internally and externally. 

This is why turmeric extract is very popular in skin care. Further research studies are still needed to examine this natural remedy in more detail, but it has already been accepted as a natural support against acne. Try turmeric for acne yourself to see for yourself.

Why does turmeric help against acne?

Why does turmeric help against acne?
The antibacterial properties of the active ingredient curcumin are very helpful in skin care, especially for acne.

Turmeric has several interesting properties for treating acne. The antibacterial effect of this root is particularly important. In combination with lauric acid, it combats microorganisms such as P. acnes , whereby the effect can be compared, for example, with the drugs erythromycin or clindamycin.

This wonderful natural remedy also has anti-inflammatory effects that are very beneficial for dermatological problems. While more scientific evidence is needed to determine its exact effectiveness against acne, anecdotal evidence suggests its effectiveness.

The turmeric root is also characterized by antioxidants that help against acne. Topical use promotes tissue regeneration and reduces the risk of remaining scars. Turmeric also stimulates the formation of collagen and prevents wrinkles.

Other Turmeric Benefits That Skin May Benefit

Unlike conventional treatments,  turmeric has other skin health benefits. The vitamins and minerals it contains, as well as the active ingredient curcumin, are an excellent addition to skin care.

  • Turmeric ensures glowing skin,
  • promotes wound healing,
  • helps with psoriasis outbreaks,
  • is beneficial for scabies,
  • reduces oxidative stress and prevents premature aging.

Turmeric for acne

Turmeric for acne
In combination with coconut oil, you can increase the anti-microbial effects of turmeric.

To get the most out of turmeric, we recommend combining it with coconut oil. This contains lauric acid, which is known for its  antimicrobial effect. This makes the treatment of acne particularly effective.

In addition, the properties of coconut oil have been well researched: It gives the skin moisture and helps with psoriasis and eczema, for example. Like turmeric, it promotes the wound healing process and the regeneration of the skin. In addition, it minimizes the harmful effects of free radicals.


  • 1 tablespoon turmeric powder (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g), preferably organic
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (15 g)


  • Mix the turmeric powder with the coconut oil and honey.
  • Mix everything well until you get a homogeneous mixture.


  • First, clean your face thoroughly.
  • Then you apply the turmeric mask to the acne-affected areas.
  • Cover the problem areas well.
  • Let the mask work for 15 minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this procedure at least three times a week.

Note:  The results are not immediately apparent. It is important to be consistent with the treatment in order to get the desired results.

Turmeric For Acne: Precautions

Even though turmeric can be very effective against acne, you  must not forget that the intensely yellow root can also cause side effects. When used externally, for example, the skin may briefly turn yellow. But after thorough cleaning nothing of it can be seen.

In some cases, allergies or contact dermatitis can develop. A 2015 study found that curcumin is an allergen that can cause skin irritation, redness, or swelling.

You should therefore first do a small allergy test before using turmeric for acne on a large scale. Simply apply some turmeric to a small area on your arm and watch for any unwanted skin reactions within the next 24 hours. If this is the case, you will have to do without this natural remedy.


The turmeric root is effective against acne, especially in combination with coconut oil. Be careful, however, as it could cause allergic reactions. But in general it is an effective alternative to conventional forms of treatment.

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