Quitting Smoking: 4 Nutritional Tips That Can Help

If you want to quit smoking, you especially need great willpower, but other supportive measures can also help to make the path a little easier and reduce the withdrawal symptoms overcome.

Quitting Smoking: 4 Nutritional Tips That Can Help Support

With the smoking stop is a difficult task that everyone As in other ways. Some take their time and gradually reduce tobacco consumption, while others quit from one day to the next.

To achieve this goal, great willpower and perseverance are required. In addition to other measures, the right diet can also help to make it easier to quit smoking.

Of course, the environment is also very important, because if you are supported in this endeavor , it is much easier than if you are invited to smoke over and over again.

The effort is definitely worth it. You not only gain health, but also life and wellbeing.

Quitting Smoking: Tips To Keep In Mind

Once you have made up your mind to quit smoking, there are several things to keep in mind.

For example, your brain will miss the daily dose of nicotine. You will experience withdrawal symptoms that start as early as 20 minutes after the last cigarette.

Every smoker knows the most critical time of the day very well: In the morning, right after waking up, the body has not received any nicotine for between 7 and 9 hours.

The physical changes are clear: the heart rate and blood pressure increase, the mouth is dry, you feel the need to smoke and often to eat.

When you stop smoking, the next day carbon monoxide and nicotine are reduced in the body. The brain then commands the body to repair any damage to the heart and lungs from tobacco use.
You will  feel changes that are particularly noticeable in the first three weeks. This time is complicated and you should pay attention to the right diet, especially during these days.
Then you will learn more about this topic.

1. Cut out morning coffee for a month

Caffeine stimulates the need for tobacco. It is a natural activator that you should avoid at least for the first time in order to combat withdrawal symptoms more easily.

The following drinks are recommended:

  • Cinnamon tea
  • Licorice tea
  • ginger tea
  • Passion flower tea

In addition, it is of great importance  to increase your consumption of vitamin C, which helps cleanse the lungs. Eat healthy fruits like strawberries, oranges, kiwis and mangoes, etc.

2. Whole grains are also very important if you want to quit smoking

When you stop smoking, blood sugar levels drop. This little hypoglycemia leads to stress and malaise.

  • However, if you make the mistake of eating sweets, it will only make you crave nicotine. That is why it is important to choose the right foods.
  • A whole grain diet is very useful here. You will be in a better mood and feel a pleasant feeling of satiety. At the same time, you can compensate for the hypoglycaemia.

The following types of grain should not be missing in your diet:

  • oats
  • Buckwheat
  • Rye bread
  • Dark Bread
  • Whole grain rice
  • Red rice
  • linseed

3. Relaxing foods

Certain foods have a relaxing effect and can make it easier to cope with the withdrawal symptoms.

Nutritionists often recommend a “zen diet”. But this is only a current name for certain foods that have a relaxing effect and can also help in this case. Choose the foods from the following list that are good for you:

  • pumpkin soup
  • Oven-roasted turkey with lemon
  • white fish
  • Vegetables (broccoli, raw onions, radishes, carrots, radishes, leeks, cucumber, celery, Swiss chard, tomatoes)
  • nuts
  • Bananas
  • garlic
  • Brewer’s yeast
pumpkin soup

4. Lukewarm water with honey

If you want to quit smoking, you  have to drink a lot in order to remove pollutants  and to supply the organism with sufficient fluids.

Various home remedies can also be very helpful. We recommend a very simple one:

  • Drink a lukewarm glass of water with a spoonful of honey twice a day This home remedy has a cleansing and antibacterial effect, improves the immune system and provides energy. In addition, it cares for the lungs, relaxes them and makes them feel pleasantly satiated.
  • It is a simple, supportive remedy that is quickly prepared and also promotes well-being.

Remember that these tips will only help if you stay consistent and understand the need to quit smoking.

Try to exercise regularly and start new activities, such as an engaging class, swimming, or a dance class.

Sometimes making certain changes can be very helpful in saying goodbye to this vice as it allows you to focus your attention on other things.

All efforts and efforts are worth it!

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