6 Natural Remedies With Ginger For Skin Care

Thanks to its many active ingredients, there are many natural remedies with ginger for skin care. We can improve the complexion, fight acne and soothe burns.

6 natural remedies with ginger for skin care

Due to its smell and taste, ginger is a well-known spice that is used both in gastronomy and as a medicinal product. Consequently, almost everyone knows  natural remedies with ginger for colds. But did you also know that it also supports the health of our skin?

Among other things, it promotes moisturizing of the skin and protects it against ultraviolet rays. Natural remedies with ginger  therefore have some very important benefits for our skin.

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents, as well as antioxidants. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phosphorus, oxalic acid, calcium, carotenes and flavonoids.

That being said , ginger combats premature aging and reduces stress. It also promotes blood circulation and supports the elimination of toxins from the skin. We therefore recommend that you include this spice in your diet and always have it on hand.

Natural remedies with ginger for skin care

1. Peeling


  • 1 small ginger root
  • 2 spoons of brown sugar (30 g)
  • ⅓ cup of coconut oil (67 g)


  • First, rub the ginger root into a bowl.
  • Then add the brown sugar and finally the coconut oil. You can of course use almond oil instead of coconut oil. This gives you a pleasant aroma.
  • Now mix the ingredients until you get a uniform mass.
  • You can use the scrub once a week. However, always avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes.

The peeling supports the removal of dead skin cells and the purification of the skin.  This is very good for your health.

Natural remedies with ginger for beautiful skin

2. Ginger against burns


  • 2 spoons of fresh ginger (30 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • First, puree the ginger with water until both ingredients have combined.
  • Then apply the mixture as a compress to the affected skin area using a cotton cloth. You will immediately feel its refreshing effect.

You can also use the ginger on its own. Just cut it into slices and gently rub it into the burn.

3. Ginger and turmeric tea for acne


  • 1 ginger root
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder (8 g)
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 1 teaspoon honey (7.5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • First, boil the water in a saucepan. Then add the peeled and chopped ginger when the water reaches its boiling point. Now add the turmeric powder as well and then stir the mixture well.
  • Now cook the whole thing on a low flame for 15 minutes. Then take the tea off the stove and strain it.
  • Finally add the lemon and honey and stir well again.
  • Drink the tea three times a day as it will help remove toxins from your bloodstream that cause acne.

4. Ginger, orange and carrot smoothie


  • 1 ginger root
  • 1 orange
  • 3 carrots


  • First peel all of the ingredients, then puree them until there are no crumbs left.
  • You can keep the smoothie in the refrigerator and drink it once a day.

    The ginger, orange and carrot smoothie contains anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants. It supports the organism in the elimination of free radicals and reduces acne.

    5. Natural remedies made from ginger for skin spots


    • 1 glass of milk (200 ml)
    • 1 spoon of ginger powder (15 g)


    • First add the ginger powder to a glass of milk, then stir the mixture thoroughly.
    • Drink it at least once a day because ginger helps your body clear up skin spots.

    This drink helps soften the skin pigmentation  so that the complexion looks more even. However, remember that the effectiveness of these natural healing products is based on regular consumption and patience.

    This is of course not a miracle cure, but the appearance of the skin is significantly improved.

    6. Ginger treatment for dandruff


    • 1 ginger root
    • 1 spoon of sesame oil (15 ml)
    • Juice of one lemon
    Ginger against dandruff


    • First peel and chop the ginger. Then crush it with a mortar to get its juice.
    • Now pour the squeezed juice into a bottle and add a spoonful of sesame oil. You can also use olive oil.
    • Finally, add the lemon juice and shake the mixture thoroughly.


    • Massage the mixture into your scalp first, then leave it on for 15 to 30 minutes.
    • Then wash your hair out with warm water and then use your regular shampoo.

      If you use this natural remedy regularly, the dandruff will soon go away.

      There are really so many effective natural ginger remedies out there that you can simply try at home. Use this ingredient regularly in your beauty and skin care routine. You will notice how quickly it shows its effects.

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