True Greatness Is Characterized By Modesty

Modesty as a character trait is what distinguishes people who are of true inner greatness

True greatness is characterized by modesty

Humility is often confused with being content with little.

But humility means so much more! Find out why you should make it one of your virtues too!

Modesty has many faces

Modesty can be a key to happiness if one makes a conscious choice and does not get it imposed by the external circumstances.

Those who are forced to be humble because they have no financial means or other means will not really find humility the key to happiness. But if you can make a conscious decision, you are lucky for that alone.

Modesty as a voluntary form of self- restriction is characterized by a simple lifestyle without luxury, contented frugality and unpretentiousness.

Often a modest lifestyle goes hand in hand with mindfulness, appreciation and careful handling of things and especially nature.

Modesty can mean caring little for material things, making oneself independent of them, distancing oneself from today’s affluent society and treating people with respect.

But modesty can also be related to the state of mind when people who have deserved great recognition play it down with a smile and take it for granted.

Woman hummingbird

An old-fashioned virtue?

Modesty is often viewed as old-fashioned, a seemingly dispensable virtue, but one that is socially highly regarded when truly lived.

It is important that you do not exaggerate the modesty, but rather find a healthy balance between self-esteem, excess, opulence and healthy modesty. If you are too modest, you will eke out your life as a “gray mouse” …

Despite all modesty, never put your light under a bushel, but show that you are really good at what you can do. However, do not brag about it, but do it with a modest matter of course that makes you a pleasant person.

Also make sure not to be too modest and also not to give up what you need. Because then you harm yourself and this does not lead to inner satisfaction.

False humility also often leads to help being turned down when you really need it. Therefore, listen to yourself and make sure that your humble behavior does not cause any harm to yourself, but only draw the positive from it.


Modesty as a Way to Happiness

A simple reason why humility can lead to happiness is that if you have only a few wishes, the likelihood of them being fulfilled is much higher than if you have many wishes, few of which will come true can.

So if you limit yourself to just a few wishes and concentrate on their implementation, the sense of achievement makes you happy.

Anyone who has many wishes and dreams will never be completely happy when such a dream comes true – because the next dreams and wishes are already pending and remind you that you are not “perfectly happy”.

The more humble you are, the lower your expectations and the easier it is to satisfy them.


Humility can be learned

If you think about it and come to the conclusion that your life has not been modest up to now and that you also have quite high expectations, then you can make sure that you go through life more modestly.

You can change yourself to this if you just want to! Note the following:

  • Make a daily goal of doing something that expresses humility. For example, do not push yourself to the fore in discussions but only modestly reveal the knowledge that you are sure to have.
  • Work on your aspirations. Does everything in your life have to be perfect? Do you have to own everything just because your neighbor has it too? Learn to be satisfied with less too!
  • Learn to appreciate things and people. Take your fellow human beings seriously and pay attention to what they do.
  • Treat people and things with mindfulness. Listen to your colleagues, accept their opinion, because it doesn’t have to be yours. Be careful not to harm people or objects.

More tips

  • Learn to give in. You don’t always have to win. You don’t always have to have the last word. And you don’t always have to take advantage of everything.
  • Question your lifestyle. Do you actually need it all? And if so, does it really have to be from this or that brand?
  • Learn to share. Surely you live in abundance and you can safely part with many things that other people could use better than you. Be humble, do not adorn yourself with goods!

Nobody asks you to become a monk, without property, without claims, without compulsion. But the more you reduce your demands yourself, the happier you can become – and the more lovable you will find your being …

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