Negative Thinking: How You Can Change It!

Start by using your negative thoughts positively instead of constantly complaining and making yourself a victim! 

Negative thinking: how to change it!

Is your mindset more positive or negative? What does the quiet voice in your head say that controls your life in an irrational and uncontrollable way? You are probably reading this article because  negative thinking is  part of your everyday life and you want to change that.

Negative thinking  is not all about downsides. It also points out things that you need to change or process in order to benefit from them in your life.

In today’s article you will find tips on how to change negative thoughts and turn them into positive ones.

1. What can you do about negative thinking?


Try to  rationally analyze disturbing thoughts: 

  • What is it actually about?
  • How can you calm these thoughts down?

When you have the answer, you will know what to do.

For example, negative thoughts can revolve around your relationship. You are afraid that it might end. Analyze why you have this feeling and what is going wrong. 

Has your partner lost interest in you? Does he not speak to you anymore? Why is there an argument? When you get to the bottom of the cause,  your negative thoughts can help you find a solution.

However, if you leave it at that and do nothing, you are just pushing  the problem out of the way, causing stress and even more negativity. You have to face your negative thoughts and your problems!

2. Meditation against negative thinking

Meditation against negative thinking.

You can learn to direct your thoughts through your inner strength and personality. Your posture can also support you positively. 

Accept yourself, be  reconciled with yourself and find balance. This is often a very difficult process, but it teaches you to use negative thoughts instead of suffering from them.

The formulation of thoughts is also fundamental. Do these sentences sound familiar to you?

  •  “I can not…”
  • “If I were more …”
  • “I am not good enough…”
  • “If only I were …”

Learn to meditate to explore yourself and get closer to yourself. If you think meditation alone is not enough, psychotherapy can help.

3. Positive people by your side

Positive people versus negative thinking.

Changing negative thinking is a gradual process. It will be easier for you as soon as you surround yourself with people who give you positive feelings. Many would not even have negative thoughts if they had the right people by their side.

Analyze the people you spend most of your time with. Remember, they make you up to a large extent. Even if you love her very much, sometimes it is better to withdraw a little.

The thought of not being good enough professionally often arises from comparisons with others. Did your mother often compare you to others? And now you do it yourself Everyone is unique, including you! 

People who are not good for you  should find little time in your life. When you are suffering, distance yourself for a while.

4. Set priorities

Handing over responsibilities against negative thinking.

Another way to stop your negative thinking is by  not making new commitments. Especially not if they represent an additional burden. Set priorities in your life!

This is a very common problem among people who have large family or professional responsibilities:

  • For example, mothers who blame themselves for their children’s bad grades, but do not consider that the reason for this is the child’s inattentiveness to the teachers or to their homework.
  • Of course, every mother has a certain responsibility for it. But the child has to learn to see the consequences. The mother supports it, but at the same time has to let go of negative thoughts with which she accuses herself.

5. Do not fall into the role of victim

The role of victim encourages negative thinking.

Do you keep complaining about things that are going wrong? Do you think you deserve more? When you make a victim of yourself, negative thoughts multiply too!

Ask yourself what you expected, what you did about it, and the reasons that caused the situation. Think back to the first point of this article.

When you stop acting and put off making decisions, you hinder your progress and your ability to get what you want.

We know that it is easier to remain victimized. This allows you to protect yourself when things go wrong and gives you a justification for not having to do it. 

But how long can that go well? Does it really benefit you?

When you make a victim of yourself,  other people or things gain power over your lives. You won’t reach your goal like this. You have to take your fate into your own hands!

Start by making positive use of your negative thoughts instead of constantly complaining and victimizing yourself!

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