Water With Baking Soda – Possible Benefits

To avoid an excess of base, which would also be counterproductive, it is advisable to take half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water after each main meal.

Water with baking soda - possible benefits

Soda is very popular in many households around the world because it has numerous uses: It can be very helpful in the kitchen as well as for cleaning the household and for health.

Today we tell you about water with baking soda  and its possible effects on our health.

While some prefer conventional products, there are just as many who take advantage of the extraordinary benefits of this white powder.

With moderate consumption in small doses  , it is assumed that the general functioning of the organism can be improved.

Soda dissolved in water is one of the oldest remedies and many people around the world swear by its alleged effects. It is said to be an excellent way  to protect the body from various diseases.

Natural antacid

Soda against stomach acid

Baking soda is very popular in many households for neutralizing stomach acid. This may help fight heartburn and reflux. 

A glass of water with baking soda is said to help reduce swelling and gas formation, which makes digestion instantly easier.

Could have a base-forming effect

One often speaks of an unbalanced acid-base balance. If the body were acidic, it would also be more susceptible to various diseases.

Water with baking soda supposedly helps to reduce the acidity:  it regulates the pH value naturally and therefore promotes health. 

However, daily consumption should not exceed the recommended dose. An excess could be counterproductive and lead to alkalosis. Talk to your doctor about this.

Has an antiseptic effect

Soda as a mouthwash

It is said that baking soda has a slightly antiseptic effect and therefore helps to eliminate disease-causing viruses and bacteria.

That is why many people use the white powder to gargle for sore throats and swelling.

May help with urinary tract infections

Baking soda water  could help protect against urinary tract infections  as it may reduce the acidity in the urine.

Aside from plenty of water and blueberry juice, in this case you could also drink water with baking soda to possibly treat urinary tract infections.

Reportedly effective against gout and joint pain

Young woman with joint pain

Elevated uric acid levels in the urine and blood can lead to pain and chronic diseases such as gout or arthritis.

Baking soda supposedly regulates blood pH  and reduces uric acid. This is why it is said to be an excellent means of preventing and treating these diseases.

However, seek advice from your doctor beforehand.

May improve physical performance

The lactic acid released during physical activity can build up in muscles and joints and cause muscle soreness or fatigue.

To prevent your athletic performance from being impaired, you can also try water with baking soda, as this is supposed to regulate the acid levels.

May regulate cholesterol levels

Mineral water with baking soda  could also have a positive effect on high cholesterol levels.  This is particularly true of LDL cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol.

However, because it is high in sodium, it is not recommended in the case of high blood pressure as it could worsen the situation.

Be sure to talk to your doctor before trying this home remedy.

How is the water taken with baking soda?

Baking soda is a well-known home remedy

As already mentioned, you shouldn’t exceed the recommended amounts to avoid negative effects.

Consult your doctor or a nutritionist for more detailed advice on this topic!

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