First Aid Tips For A Heart Emergency At Work

Knowing what to do in the event of a heart attack or sudden attack while waiting for the ambulance can mean the difference between life and mean death

First aid tips for a heart emergency at work

A heart emergency can occur anytime, anywhere. Because of this, it is important to know a few basic first aid tips for a heart emergency.

There are medical recommendations that may indicate different risk groups and warning signs. In general, however, these are incidents that can hardly be foreseen.

Modern lifestyles have resulted in most people spending the majority of their time at work. Because of this, these incidents are likely to happen in offices or companies.

Heart emergencies happen more often than people like to admit.

  • In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 34 seconds.
  • In 2015, 219,217 patients were diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction in Germany.

Therefore, it is definitely worth knowing a few first aid tips for a heart emergency.

Difference between a heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest

A heart attack and cardiac arrest are two different things.

  • In the first case, there is usually some time to prevent the problem.
  • Sudden cardiac arrest can cause death within a few minutes.

Heart failure or heart attack

First aid tips for a heart emergency: heart failure or heart attack

This happens when blood flow to part of the heart is reduced or completely interrupted, in most cases due to the breakdown of a deposit in the coronary arteries.

But a blood clot or a spasm of the coronary arteries can also be triggers. Heart failure does not necessarily mean that the heart will stop beating.

The most important symptom is a sudden and very intense pain in the chest, which can also spread to other parts of the body such as arms, shoulders, jaw, neck or poll.

Other symptoms may also occur:

  • exhaustion
  • nausea
  • Difficulty breathing
  • dizziness
  • sweat
  • heartburn
  • Sudden faint.

Note that symptoms are not always the same.

Sometimes the heart attacks occur without the person concerned noticing these alarm signals, or they can be confused or overlooked.

Sudden heart failure

First aid tips for a heart emergency: Sudden heart failure

Sudden heart failure occurs when the heart suddenly freezes completely. The blood flow and thus the oxygen supply to the brain and the rest of the body is interrupted.

Conditions such as sudden cardiac death usually do not leave the person with time to seek help from other people.

When the heart stops beating, the person will immediately pass out and completely pass out. Breathing can also come to a standstill.

Only in a few cases do people feel dizzy before passing out.

First aid tips for a heart emergency

Quick measures and first aid tips for a heart emergency
  • Call the emergency doctor immediately and call for help.
  • In the event of a heart attack, the person concerned should sit as comfortably as possible on a sofa and try to remain calm.

    It is vital that the person tries to breathe normally. Belts and shirts should be unbuttoned.

    • In the event of sudden heart failure, body functions must be checked (breathing and pulse).

    If the person does not react, a cardiac massage or cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be started immediately :

    • To do this, place both hands on the patient’s chest and apply downward pressure with outstretched arms.
    • Push your chest down at least 4 centimeters, with a frequency of no less than 100 movements per minute.
    • Massage in this way in a steady rhythm, with as few interruptions as possible.
    • Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation may only be performed by people who are familiar with this technique. If that is not the case, it does not help.
    • If a desfibrilator is available, one can also work with discharges and try to get the heart beating again.

    These devices do not require any special training because they are very easy to use.

    The faster you react, the more likely the victim will survive.

    Sudden heart failure requires an even faster response.

    With every minute the chances of survival decrease by 10% and are zero after 10 minutes.

    If the people around the victim do not react immediately and only rely on the arrival of the ambulance, the likelihood of a tragic end increases by up to 95%, which is why first aid tips are so important!

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