3 Tips Against Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Healthy habits can support the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. We’d like to share three important recommendations below that can help you overcome it.

3 tips against chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease that manifests itself through a variety of symptoms. Nevertheless, the most common is intense and long-lasting exhaustion, which considerably reduces the patient’s quality of life. What tips are there against chronic fatigue syndrome ?

There is no one cure that works for everyone, but there are several treatment options that can help relieve symptoms.

That is why we would like to give you some effective tips against chronic fatigue syndrome in our article that could help you to overcome this disease.

Tips against chronic fatigue syndrome: causes and symptoms

To get straight to the point: there is no known cause for chronic fatigue syndrome.

However, it has been associated with possible viral infections or prolonged periods of great psychological stress.

However, what we know very well are its symptoms, which are very varied and can affect each person in a different way. The most common signs are :

  • Intense and constant tiredness and exhaustion, especially after physical or mental exertion
  • Muscle or joint pain and other pain such as headache or sore throat
  • Poor memory and concentration
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Difficulty getting rest at night
  • dizziness
  • Bad mood
  • Stomach and intestinal discomfort

Three tips against chronic fatigue syndrome

1. Improve your diet

Natural yoghurt
Natural yogurt and other fermented probiotic foods and nutrients help treat chronic fatigue syndrome.

First of all, we should pay attention to our diet when we suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome.

A balanced and complete diet can help make up for some of the nutritional deficiencies that are common with this disease. This then also improves our symptoms.

Furthermore, studies show that a good diet improves the intestinal flora. This then also has a positive effect on inflammation, neurocognitive function and feelings of fear.

We use fermented foods (kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, etc.) in particular for this purpose.

We also recommend eating foods that are high in antioxidants, such as cocoa and pollen. 

In contrast to this, one should avoid those foods that could harm us badly. These include alcohol, caffeine, some types of fat, dairy products, and gluten. Your doctor can identify various possible food intolerances.

2. Seek auxiliary therapies

There are several therapies that can be of great physical and emotional help in overcoming chronic fatigue syndrome, such as cognitive behavioral therapy or gradual exercise therapy.

The therapies cover three areas:

  • Cognitive Therapy : It suggests strategies to address the symptoms of the syndrome.
  • Physiotherapy : A physical therapist can help increase physical activity personally and gradually.
  • Psychological therapy : It provides emotional help to face anxiety and depression.

    3. Dietary supplements

    Omega 3 is one of the tips against chronic fatigue syndrome
    Omega-3 fatty acids and other dietary supplements can help reduce inflammation in the body. Therefore, they can be useful against the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

    Ultimately, some dietary supplements have also been shown to help combat the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. These help to alleviate the typical deficiency symptoms of the sick.

    It is best to see a doctor for analyzes. In this way we find out exactly which nutrients we are missing and what can help us to set up a supplementary treatment tailored to us.

    The following dietary supplements are particularly recommended for people with chronic fatigue syndrome:

    • L-Carnitine : This amino acid could improve your cognitive state as well as your physical function.
    • Essential Fatty Acids : They could be helpful in controlling some of the symptoms such as fatigue, muscle pain, difficulty concentrating, and depression.
    • Magnesium : This mineral is an effective dietary supplement for various diseases and can relieve pain, improve muscle and nervous system health.
    • Vitamin B12 : This vitamin could be useful against chronic fatigue syndrome, but needs prior analysis. Deficiency thereof is associated with exhaustion, neurological changes and gastrointestinal diseases, among other things.
    • Antioxidants : Lipoic acid, vitamin C and vitamin E, for example, can help protect cells from oxidative stress and improve the function of the mitochondrion.
    • Coenzyme Q10 : People with chronic fatigue syndrome often suffer from a deficiency in this nutrient.

    Final remarks on tips for chronic fatigue syndrome

    These three tips for chronic fatigue syndrome are strategies that may be helpful if you have this condition.

    Together with medical treatment from the doctor, we can determine how a healthy diet, therapies, and nutritional supplements can help us relieve symptoms.

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