How Do Detoxifying Drinks Help?

There are many recipes for detoxifying drinks. But do they help – and if so, how?

How do detoxifying drinks help?

Detoxifying drinks are supposed to cleanse the liver, kidneys and other organs, detoxify the body, rid it of metabolic end products, ensure a better metabolism and, through better health, also extend life. Does that really work?

Detoxifying drinks

The recipes for detoxifying drinks  usually consist of fresh ingredients, lots of fruit and vegetables and little water so as not to dilute the concentrated power of plants.

In addition, such drinks do not contain sugar or other additives that could be harmful to health. Most of them are smoothies and juices, but sometimes also herbal teas, flavored water or plant extracts.

It is always important to make such drinks from ingredients that come from controlled organic cultivation.

It makes no sense to want to detoxify the body and to hand it drinks contaminated with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and other pesticides!

It is, of course, even better to avoid such products as a matter of principle and only eat unpolluted foods. Then there is no need to detoxify if the body does not get any toxins!


What are slags actually?

Slag is generally formed during incineration, the smelting of ores or volcanic eruptions.

Combustion processes also take place in our body, but they are of a biological nature. This means that there are no slags here either.

Our body is well equipped with liver, kidneys and intestines to excrete harmful substances without a purification cure.

There are scientific medical explanations for all alleged proofs of effectiveness by proponents of purification, but they have nothing to do with purification itself.

So even though there are no slags in the body and it is able to detoxify itself and break down pollutants, it should not be overdone.

Some pollutants such as heavy metals, hormone residues from cattle feed and residues from the petroleum industry in cosmetics can collect in the body and are particularly stored in adipose tissue.

And it is precisely these that cannot be removed from the body with drinks. So it is important to make sure not to let them get into our body in the first place!


What are detoxifying drinks used for?

Since there are no waste products and the body is able to get rid of its “toxins”, one might think that such “detoxifying” drinks are pointless. However, such drinks are not that pointless!

If they are made from fresh fruit and vegetables (without exposure to pesticides!) And do not contain any sugar or other (including natural) sweeteners such as honey, they can be valuable for the body. They deliver quickly available

  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Trace elements
  • Antioxidants
  • Fiber
  • Secondary plant substances

They also increase the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables – and that’s a good thing!

Statistically speaking, we Germans do not manage to consume the recommended amount of 250g of fruit and 400g of vegetables a day. Since half of it should be raw, such “detox” drinks are a real plus!


Hydrate detox drinks

Anyone who prepares such a drink from fresh ingredients for breakfast or instead of a dessert at noon or in the evening will not only make your body happy with a good portion of vitamins and co.

The recommended fluid intake is unfortunately often not properly implemented or fulfilled with drinks that are anything but good for the body, for example lemonades, cola, alcohol and other harmful drinks.

Please note, however, that such “healthy” beverages to “detox” have few calories, but they should not only be used to compensate for the fluid deficit.

After all, the ingredients you use to make the drink are food and not calorie-free thirst quenchers! There is nothing wrong with using such drinks to consume your daily ration of fruits and vegetables. But nothing more.


Health risk dehydration

Lack of fluids is one of the most common reasons for tension headaches. With a large glass of water in the morning you can prevent the headache from grabbing you during the course of the day.

If you don’t drink enough, your intestines are not getting enough fluids.  To work optimally – the chair becomes hard and firm.

Drinking a lot promotes a good metabolism, which in turn ensures that the body has a balanced fluid ratio.

If the body is not supplied with enough fluids, the blood becomes thicker. The heart has to do more to keep the circulation going and to supply all cells with the red juice of life. If you drink enough, your circulation will remain more stable.

Basically, “detox” drinks and “detoxifying” shakes are healthy because they ensure hydration. Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables and thus ensure a more balanced diet. However, they cannot detoxify or purify.

Enjoy it anyway!

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