Easy To Prepare Chicken Breast With Sesame Seeds At Home

We could use other parts of the chicken, but it is best to use the breast to prepare the recipe for delicious chicken breast with sesame seeds. So we know that the dish will be nice and juicy.

Easy to prepare chicken breast with sesame seeds at home

If you want to cook something else but can’t think of anything, how about a really tasty  chicken breast with sesame seeds? This dish can also be easily combined with others.

In order to understand why the chicken breast with sesame seeds is such an excellent dish, we must first mention the advantages of home-cooked food over fast food.

The preparation method that we would like to introduce to you today is based on a Chinese recipe for this type of poultry. Of course, there are deviations from the original everywhere, but they are also quite valid and often tasty.

Creative and healthy in the kitchen

Ultimately, it is important in the kitchen to work innovatively and achieve great taste in the process.

So if you’re at home and feeling some energy and lust, why not try making this delicious dish right away? It doesn’t take long and it’s not complicated at all.

Since we at Besser Gesund Leben  are interested in the quality of food and its effects on the organism, we would like to take this opportunity to make some comments on this topic.


Chicken is dry and low in fat, which makes it ideal for various recipes. You just have to know which part to use. Depending on the type of preparation, you get more or less of your nutrients.

So what does it take to make chicken breast with sesame seeds at home? Very simple: chicken breast. It is your main ingredient that everything revolves around. It is seared lightly along with the other ingredients.

This combination not only brings taste and aroma to the plate, but also leaves room for the sweet and sour note  on the palate.

Now all you have to do is follow the steps given below.

Learn how to make delicious chicken breasts with sesame seeds at home

Before we show you how to cook this recipe,  we should also suggest some accompanying dishes that you can serve with the chicken breast with sesame seeds.

Bananas are a great example. There are so many ways to prepare bananas that your imagination knows no bounds. If you want to satisfy your hunger while enjoying your meal at the same time, then bananas are a good choice.

White rice can also be served well with this dish. Cooked with salt and a little garlic, this grain is a classic accompaniment that goes well with almost all recipes.

You can also serve a chicken sauce or salad to make the dish a little more juicy. Whatever you choose, one thing is certain: if you incorporate multiple nutrient groups into your food, you also increase the quality. Health and taste are an invoice that always produces positive results.


  • 4 skinless chicken breasts (600 g)
  • 1/2 cup honey (167 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • ½ soy sauce (125 ml)
  • 1 spoonful of grated ginger (15 g)
  • 2 spoons of cornmeal (30 g)
  • two spoons of sesame seeds (30 g)


  1. First, you need to thoroughly wash and clean the chicken breast.
  2. Then you cut it into pieces and let it sit for a while  without any other ingredients.
  3. Then you heat a pan with a little olive oil over medium heat.
  4. When the pan has reached temperature, add the chicken breast pieces and let them sear for 7 minutes.
  5. At the same time we are now starting to prepare the sauce.
  6. You will need honey, soy sauce, water, corn flour and grated ginger for this.  Put the ingredients in a medium-sized bowl and mix them well.
  7. Make sure there are no lumps. If the sauce gets too thick, you can dilute it with a little water and keep stirring.
  8. Now you add the sauce to the chicken breast in the pan and let the ingredients mix. Wait for the chicken to soak up a large part of the sauce (not all of it!).
  9. Finally, sprinkle the sesame seeds over the chicken , making sure all sides are well sprinkled.
  10. Let everything cook for another minute, then take the pan off the stove. Now the cooking process is over and it is time to enjoy the delicious chicken breast with sesame at the table. Good Appetite!

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