Where Do Light Skin Spots Come From?

White spots may be the result of an unbalanced diet or a lack of nutrients. For example, they could indicate a vitamin or calcium deficiency.

Where do light skin spots come from?

There are many reasons for light skin spots. Some are a symptom of an illness, others are not. Even if we give you possible causes here, you should definitely see a doctor to clarify the cause of your skin spots.

It is important: light skin spots are extremely sensitive to the sun! It is essential to apply sunscreen with a high sun protection factor!

What are light skin spots?

No matter what the cause of your white spots on your skin, the cause is always the same. To protect your skin from the sun, it forms pigments, which then make up your skin color.

Therefore, people from countries in which the sun naturally shines little are brighter than people from countries that receive more sunlight.

Compare an Icelander who is dark for six months with a Nigerian who enjoys the sun every day!

If the pigmentation is disturbed or inhibited by a disease, fungus or inflammation, the affected area of ​​the skin is no longer pigmented and light skin spots appear.

Since pigments protect against harmful UV rays from sunlight, you must always and absolutely protect these areas of skin with sunscreen to prevent further damage and the development of cancer!

Vitiligo, or white spot disease

This disease is an autoimmune disease in which areas of the skin are no longer pigmented and therefore light skin spots appear. The cause of this disease has not yet been properly researched and is therefore unknown. The spots can get bigger or appear elsewhere on the body.

It usually affects people over the age of 40 and areas of skin that are constantly under pressure or tensile stress or that have injuries or scars.

The disease cannot be cured, there are only methods (light therapy) that are intended to ensure that the disease does not progress and that existing spots do not spread any further.

Sunburn is very harmful


Sunburn should not be taken lightly, because every sunburn damages the skin in the deep layers of the skin and can trigger skin cancer.

Skin damaged by sunburn can also develop pigmentation disorders that lead to white spots. The skin therefore often looks piebald in such areas or is covered with white dots.

The only thing that helps is prevention:  never catch a sunburn!


Skin inflammation can permanently disrupt the pigmentation of the affected area. Once the inflammation has subsided, the area can no longer be properly supplied with skin pigments and light skin spots appear.

This can only be prevented by treating skin inflammation correctly and in good time with medical help and not delaying it, so that long-term skin damage can occur.

light patches of skin due to fungal infection

Fungal infection

The fungus Pityriasis versicolor is not contagious and is usually only noticeable when the skin tans and light skin spots appear. The fungus is mostly found in younger people and shows up on the upper back, in the neck, and in women under the chest.

Stress, infections or sweating promote the yeast fungus. If you are affected, your dermatologist usually prescribes a special shower gel. If used regularly, the fungus will then also disappear again.

The white spots also disappear with the fungus. The fungus can reappear at any time, so watch your skin closely for changes!

Cancer cell

White skin cancer

The dreaded white skin cancer does not always show itself with white spots, it has many faces. You should therefore show your dermatologist every unclear and poorly healing skin lesion or strange area, because if the cancer is detected early, the chances of a cure are good!

You can prevent skin cancer: Always apply sufficient sunscreen or cover the skin extensively with textiles that protect against sunlight!

Warning: airy, thin fabrics, light-colored fabrics and parasols do not really offer sufficient UV protection! A day cream with UV protection is a good place to start.



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